Cairns Amateurs

MR ENTSCH:This weekend Cannon Park Racecourse will host what is arguably our city’s biggest social event of the year, the Cairns Amateurs Carnival. Through the vision of its founder, Sir Sydney Williams, what began in 1959 as a small amateur meeting designed to bring city and country together has expanded over the years to become…

Ocean Pollution

MR ENTSCH: Plastic waste littering our oceans is a national shame; there’s no doubt about that. And although they work hand in hand, my role as a special envoy for the Great Barrier Reef and my plan to develop a national policy on plastics are two separate issues. Let me briefly touch on the Great…

World Ranger Day

MR ENTSCH: It gives me great pleasure today to rise and speak about World Ranger Day. World Ranger Day was held on Wednesday, 31 July and is an initiative of the Thin Green Line Foundation. The Thin Green Line Foundation supports park rangers within Australia and overseas, including in conflict zones. World Ranger Day is…

FNQ business receives funding boost to develop innovative technologies for our Defence Force

The Morrison Government has awarded a $257,000 contract to a Far North Queensland business to develop cutting-edge technologies aimed at providing the Australian Defence Force with a capability edge. Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch today congratulated J3 Seven Pty Ltd on receiving a contract under the government’s Defence Innovation Hub, and thanked them for their…

Spotlight on STEM for National Science Week

Far North Queenslanders will get the chance to celebrate all things science and technology with a series of local events as part of National Science Week. National Science Week will be held between August 10 and 18. National Science Week was first held in 1997 and has become one of Australia’s largest festivals – last…

More support for child services in the Douglas Shire

Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch today announced $91,030 to improve access to child care for children and families living in Cooya Beach. Mr Entsch said the Port Explorers Cooya Campus would receive Morrison Government support through the Community Child Care Fund. “This funding will help the centre to cover their day-to-day costs, offer transport assistance…

FNQ community organisations urged to apply for funding under the Stronger Communities Programme

Stronger Communities Programme funding is now open to local community groups who are being urged to submit a funding application to help them undertake small infrastructure projects or purchase much-needed equipment. The Morrison Government has committed $150,000 to fund local community infrastructure projects across the Leichhardt electorate under the highly-successful programme. Federal Leichhardt MP Warren…