Hann commitment welcomed in Cairns

LEICHHARDT MP Warren Entsch has welcomed the Prime Minister’s confirmation that the upcoming White Paper on Northern Australia will include a commitment to seal the Hann Highway. “This is extremely positive news and I’m sure that the northern development agencies that have been pushing for this commitment will be extremely happy,” Mr Entsch said. “The…

Local kids reaching new heights in health and sport

A NEW pilot school sports programme will help to increase the number of students following in the footsteps of Australia’s greatest athletes, says the Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch. Mr Entsch today joined Athletics Australia and the Australian Sports Commission to launch Athletics Australia’s Sporting Schools pilot programme, IAAF Nestlé Healthy Active Kids’ Athletics,…

Disaster funding review ‘long overdue’ says Entsch

LOCAL MP Warren Entsch has welcomed recognition that the current model of natural disaster funding is flawed, saying that reform is needed to give states and councils more autonomy to recover from disasters in a way that best meets the needs of their communities. Last Thursday, the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) released its report…

Massive response to Nepal Earthquake Appeal

A LOCAL Nepalese community group which started a public appeal last week has had to call a temporary halt on donations of goods due to an overwhelming response. However the group is still seeking assistance with freighting the goods to Kathmandu, and is urgently calling on any local transport operators who may have international contacts.…

Spotlight on ‘black spots’ in Western Cape

FEDERAL MP Warren Entsch is strongly backing the Western Cape community in its campaign to improve mobile phone and internet services in the region.Mr Entsch spoke with residents and businesses during a visit to Weipa last week, including Chamber of Commerce members who said they were struggling with slow and unreliable communications.The Leichhardt MP said…

Aquis gains federal approval

LEICHHARDT MP Warren Entsch has welcomed the Federal Government’s decision to approve the Aquis Resort and Casino at Yorkeys Knob, describing it as “fantastic news”.“To me it was always a no?brainer,” Mr Entsch said today. “The net benefits are clear, not only from an environmental perspective but also from an economic perspective.“The decision by the…