Remote airstrip funding now open

Applications for Round 8 of the Remote Airstrip Upgrade Program have opened as part of the Morrison-McCormack Government’s commitment to enhancing the safety and accessibility of airstrips in remote areas of Australia. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said remote aerodromes were critical to aero-medical flights, the delivery…

Wildlife Habitat

Mr ENTSCH: On Friday 18 September I had the pleasure of officially opening the $2.3 million expansion of Wildlife Habitat in sunny Port Douglas. With the federal government’s financial contribution of $900,000, Wildlife Habitat were able to construct a high-level viewing structure, multiple viewing platforms and boardwalks connecting the structures and access to the new…

Cairns and Far North Queensland Shows and Field Days can apply now for pandemic payment

COVID-19 hit show societies and field day organsiers in Cairns and Far North Queensland can now apply for a one-off payment under the Australian Government’s $39 million Supporting Agricultural Shows and Field Days program. The program provides operational support for agricultural shows societies and organisers of agricultural field days forced to cancel their scheduled show…

Public invited to have their say on Reef 2050 plan

The Australian and Queensland Governments invite Australians to have their say on a draft of the updated Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan. The six-week public consultation period closes on 30 September 2020. Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley said this is the first five-yearly comprehensive review of the Plan to ensure it continues to focus on…

Army regional support craft for Far North Queensland

The Morrison Government will acquire an Australian made 12.5 metre regional support craft to boost border protection in Far North Queensland. Defence Minister Linda Reynolds CSC said the regional support craft, which will be located at Thursday Island, will also provide marine support to whole of government operations. “The craft will be operated by Army’s…