Have your say now on the Carbon Tax

FEDERAL MP Warren Entsch has taken aim at the Carbon Tax on behalf of people in Leichhardt in a bid to raise awareness of the impact that the tax will have on local families, businesses and tourism operators. Mr Entsch has today launched a petition on his website, Can You Afford The Carbon Tax? giving Leichhardt residents the…

Relief as councils learn that works can continue

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has congratulated the Regional Organisation of Councils of Cape York (ROCCY) for making a stand against the government’s decision not to reimburse councils who use their own crews to carry out disaster recovery works. He has also commended Cook Shire Council for standing up for its contractors and day…

Matter of Public Importance – Marine Conservation

In rising to speak on this MPI, I started to choke on some of the uninformed drivel that was coming from the other side. I was particularly concerned by a couple of speakers who made light of the fact that they are going to have to travel some distance to reach Commonwealth waters. What they do…

Passenger Movement Charge Amendment Bill – Speech

In rising to speak on the Passenger Movement Charge Amendment Bill 2012 I have to say it has been quite an eventful couple of days that we have seen in this place. I am pleased to see that the government has finally come around to some semblance of sense in that, thanks to the pressure…

Government stalls while Cape roads crumble

NORTH Queensland Councils have reached crisis point and will close some of the most popular tourist routes on Cape York if the government cannot commit to reimbursing day labour for disaster reconstruction works. Despite the representatives of 19 regional councils meeting with Attorney General Nicola Roxon in Townsville on June 5, and having the matter…

Private Members Motion – Torres Strait Sea Walls

It dismays me immensely that I have for the second time to move a motion of this nature in relation to the Torres Strait seawalls. Last year in March I had a motion prepared and I was ready to have it submitted to this place for debate. I was asked directly by the Minister Crean’s…

Coral Sea closure a disgrace, says Entsch

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has described the network of marine parks announced by the Federal Government today as “dishonest” and a “huge blow” to the community. “With absolutely no science behind it, the government is planning to lock up one third of Australia’s oceans – this is Green Zones revisited on steroids,” Mr…

Opening of the annual Rotary District 9550 Conference

Firstly I’d like to thank Brett Charles for his introduction today, and what a great job on the Flag Ceremony by the YEP Students.  I’d also like to thank District Governor Graham Koch for inviting me to officially open the conference today. Can I extend a very warm welcome to you all to Cairns and the electorate of Leichhardt,…

Entsch condemns RDAF grant as ‘smoke and mirrors’

THE awarding of $5 million in the latest Regional Development Australia Fund towards upgrading the Torres Strait sea walls is a “cruel hoax” that will give the government an excuse to do absolutely nothing, says Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch. Mr Entsch condemned the timing of the announcement, which comes just days after he…