Petition: Speewah battery exchange – Telstra

Mr ENTSCH: I’d like to present petitions EN6025 and EN0611 from the Speewah community. The petitions read as follows— Speewah community is subject to continual and prolonged disruptions to telecommunications due to inadequacy of TELSTRA’s battery supply at the Speewah exchange. Speewah, only 16km from Cairns, is an isolated tower with no alternate tower within…

Proposed UNESCO World Heritage listing of the Cape York Peninsula

Mr ENTSCH: I rise tonight to address a matter of great significance for the people of Far North Queensland, the proposed UNESCO World Heritage listing of the Cape York Peninsula region. Queensland state and federal Labor governments have recently progressed the proposal, and I, along with many others, have great reservations about what might occur…

Alexandra Bay State School – Lego project

Mr ENTSCH: Last week I had the pleasure of visiting Alexandra Bay State School, in the Daintree Rainforest, near Cow Bay. It is a very small school and one which I visited previously. During my previous attendance it became very apparent to me that the kids were complete Lego fanatics. As the House should know,…

Office Of The Public Guardian – Queensland

Mr ENTSCH: In recent months, I’ve been in receipt of several disturbing accounts from members of the public who have recounted their experiences with Queensland’s Office of the Public Guardian. These stories they’ve shared with me paint a deeply troubling picture of an organisation that, instead of safeguarding the vulnerable, appears to be exercising control…

Tourism Exceptional Assistance Grant

Mr ENTSCH: I rise on an issue affecting the tourism industry, particularly in the Port Douglas region in my electorate. It relates to the mishandling and apparent failure of the Tourism Exceptional Assistance Grant following the devastating impacts of Cyclone Jasper. When Cyclone Jasper hit, it left behind a trail of destruction that severely impacted…

FNQ Volunteer of the Year Awards

Mr ENTSCH: Last week was National Volunteer Week, and, on Friday 24 May, I had the distinct pleasure of attending and presenting the FNQ Volunteer of the Year Awards at the Novatel in Cairns. It was a fabulous and well-attended evening where the community was able to come together and recognise those people and organisations…

Vale Mr Tom Gilmore OAM

Mr ENTSCH: I rise with great sadness to speak on the passing of one of Far North Queensland’s finest. We lost a stalwart of public service and a true son of Mareeba, Mr Tom Gilmore OAM. His passing not only leaves a void in the hearts of those who knew him but also marks the…

Tobacco Regulation

Mr ENTSCH: I rise to speak on this motion about illicit tobacco, which is certainly a matter of significant concern not only in my electorate but across our nation. The burgeoning illicit tobacco trade is an issue that affects public health, economic stability and law and order in our country. We’re all aware of the…

Australia Day Awards

Mr ENTSCH: I would like to take the opportunity to recognise and celebrate this year’s Australia Day Award recipients from around Leichhardt. Starting with Cairns, Jacqui Backhouse has been awarded the Citizen of the Year, and Yazmin Rivette has been awarded the Young Citizen of the Year. Carol Wells has received Volunteer of the Year,…

Project Recognise

Mr ENTSCH: In the wake of Cyclone Jasper and associated floods, the true spirit of the Far North Queensland community has shone brightly. In conjunction with Sergeant Dave Raymond, Project Recognise has been created to honour and pay tribute to the many unsung heroes and volunteers for many acts of selflessness and generosity that have…