Almost $1 million to upgrade Northern Peninsula airstrip

– Almost $1 million allocated to upgrade the Northern Peninsula airstrip under Round 4 of the Australian Government’s $33.7 million Remote Airstrip Upgrade Programme A vital aerodrome servicing remote communities in far north Queensland will receive almost $1 million in Federal funding for important upgrade works. Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester said…

Talking Tourism in Northern Australia

Parliament’s Northern Australia Committee will hold the first public hearing for its inquiry into Opportunities and Methods for Stimulating the Tourism Industry in Northern Australia on Friday, 17 February 2017 in Parliament House, Canberra. Following the Australian Government’s 2015 White Paper on developing Northern Australia, the Government announced in February 2016 the Northern Australia Tourism…

90 Second Statement – Australia Post

I was certainly taken aback today in reading in today's media of the salary package of Australia Post's CEO Ahmed Fahour. Earning $5.6 million in 2016, he was Australia's highest paid public servant. Five other executives in Australia Post received salaries ranging from $1.3 million to $1.8 million. This is not the first time there…

Adjournment – Domestic and Family Violence

In recent weeks we have seen, again, the tragedy of domestic and family violence in the headlines. The murder of Gold Coast mother Teresa Bradford by her estranged husband, while he was out on bail on domestic violence charges, beggars belief. It has renewed calls for victims of domestic violence to be told if the…

Entsch welcomes Carnell Report into banking practices

LEICHHARDT MP Warren Entsch has welcomed the much-anticipated report into lending practices by the major banks which was released today by the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, Kate Carnell AO. The report makes 15 recommendations, four of which are for Government and the remaining 11 directed at the banking industry itself. “Call it…

New online nbn tool better helps consumers

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has welcomed moves by nbn Co. to provide even more accurate and timely information about the national broadband rollout. nbn Co. has released the first phase of a new ‘check your address’ web function that provides greater clarity about when an nbn service will be available at a consumer’s…