Message clear on poor phone reception

MOBILE phone black spots in Leichhardt have come under the spotlight today with Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch hosting a roundtable for key community representatives with Paul Fletcher MP, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Communications. Mr Fletcher is responsible for implementing the Government’s $100 million Mobile Black Spot Programme, which will improve mobile coverage…

Aged care comes under the spotlight in Canberra

AT the same time as the shortage of aged care beds is making headlines in Cairns, Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch has again highlighted the region’s aged care crisis in Canberra. On Thursday, Mr Entsch led a round-table with officials from the Department of Social Services and senior advisers to Senator Mitch Fifield, the Assistant Minister…

Time for new focus on cannabis’ medicinal benefits

LEICHHARDT MP Warren Entsch has thrown his support behind a multi-party group of federal MPs who are pushing to make cannabis legally available for medicinal purposes. Mr Entsch has joined the Parliamentary Group on Drug Policy and Law Reform, convened by like-minded members across four parties, to prepare a draft of policy recommendations with the…

Improved natural diaster resilience for Douglas

FLOOD-PRONE roads in Douglas will benefit from upgrades thanks to funding announced today by Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch and the State Member for Cook David Kempton. Mr Entsch and Mr Kempton jointly announced $860,575 for Douglas from the Natural Disaster Mitigation Program, to raise two existing causeway crossings at Degarra and to upgrade…

Leichhardt school students awarded top prizes

LEICHHARDT MP Warren Entsch today congratulated students from Cairns who have been awarded one of the nation’s top prizes for Year 12 students undertaking Vocational Education and Training in School (VETiS). Five students from Redlynch State College, Smithfield State High School, Trinity Bay State High School and Woree State High School are among 500 students…

Extra funding to expand GP services in regional areas

GP clinics in Leichhardt are being encouraged to take advantage of funding in the 2014/15 Budget to expand their services and boost the number of trainees, says Federal MP Warren Entsch. “We want to see more GP trainees in practices around the Far North so we’ve provided $52.5 million to rural and regional areas Australia-wide…

Key step reached on Nth Australia inquiry

LEICHHARDT MP Warren Entsch has today released an interim report from the Committee on Northern Australia, telling Parliament that the inquiry has generated a massive level of community interest and created “high expectations”. The Joint Select Committee on Northern Australia, of which Mr Entsch is the Chair, has been tasked with examining the potential of,…

Cairns Bruce Highway Upgrade now open

MOTORISTS on the Bruce Highway will benefit from reduced congestion and improved road safety with the opening of Stage 1 of the new southern approach into Cairns today. Acting Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Warren Truss said the Australian Government has contributed $150 million to the project which will help to…