Green Army on hand to drive local disaster clean-up

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch is encouraging organisations in the Far North to apply for Federal Government funding to help clean-up and rehabilitate the environment. It comes after flooding and severe weather events earlier this year affected a number of local government areas in Leichhardt – Aurukun, Cook, Douglas, Hope Vale, Lockhart River, Mapoon,…

90 second statement – Cairns Hockey Association

**Watch the speech on YouTube** On 23 May Cairns Hockey Association celebrated the installation and opening of their new $400,000 artificial turf. The celebration included a march past by junior players and welcome to country ceremony.  I officially cut the ribbon. The cutting of the ribbon involved my beautiful eight year old daughter, Mackenzie Lee…

Australia 2040 forum

I'm pleased to be here today representing The Hon Andrew Robb, Minister for Trade and Investment. Unfortunately Minister Robb is currently in Singapore for meetings with Singaporean government counterparts and senior investors. First, I'd like to offer my congratulations on celebrating the 25th anniversary of the launch of the Cooperative Research Centre's program. I'd like…

Wildlife rescuers urged to keep up the good work

LOCAL wildlife carers have nothing to fear from the Government’s inquiry into the tax-deductible status of environmental groups, says Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch. More than 600 environmental groups are currently deductible gift recipients (DGR), which allows them to access tax-deductible donations to fund important, practical work to improve the natural environment. “I’ve checked with the…

Relief for renewables as RET compromise reached

FEDERAL MP Warren Entsch has welcomed the bipartisan deal on the Renewable Energy Target, saying it will provide certainty for the renewables sector and kick-start much-needed investment. After months of negotiations, the Coalition and Labor have agreed to lower the RET from 41,000 gigawatt hours to 33,000, to fully exempt trade-exposed industries from the target…

Local transport company supports earthquake appeal

THE Nepalese Community in Cairns has wrapped up its appeal for donations to help victims of the Nepalese Earthquake, thanks to a local company confirming that it will transport the goods to Sydney. Earlier this week, appeal coordinator Avishek Singh advised Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch that the group had secured transport of the goods from…

Budget key step in long-term economic plan

MEASURES outlined in last night’s Budget will be the kick-start that the Far North, and Northern Australian, economies need to develop, says Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch. “I’m very pleased with a whole range of elements in the Budget,” Mr Entsch said today. “It bodes extremely well for us when we’re looking at how to bolster…

Reef comments ‘opportunistic’: Entsch

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch says Sir Richard Branson’s ill-informed comments on the reef being ‘in danger’ are disappointing ? but even more disappointing is Terrain Chair Mike Berwick’s support of the comments. “I’m highly critical of Sir Richard Branson’s involvement in this debate on the health and integrity of our Great Barrier Reef,”…

Budget commitments build on Northern Australia focus

A FOCUS on ground-breaking tropical health research in this week’s Budget will provide “fabulous opportunities” for James Cook University and the Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine, says Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch. Andrew Robb MP, Minister for Trade and Investment, has confirmed that the 2015-2016 Federal Budget will help to cement Australia’s position as…