Calling all photographers! Let’s make a calendar

PROFESSIONAL and budding photographers from Cairns to the Torres Strait are encouraged to get snap-happy to showcase our unique part of Australia in the Leichhardt Community Calendar. Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch said: “I’m looking for photos that capture the landscape, wildlife, weather and people of Far North Queensland. “This is a fantastic opportunity…

Entsch backs Royal Commission into Big Banks

A ROYAL Commission into the immoral conduct of the Big Banks and the introduction of compulsory financial retribution for victims – including those in the Far North – is critical, says Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch. Speaking in support of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s comments yesterday at Westpac’s 199th birthday event, Mr Entsch said he agreed…

Time for truckies to speak up on Tribunal blunder

LEICHHARDT MP Warren Entsch is urging local truckie owner-drivers to make their views heard as the Government carries out urgent consultations on the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal’s ‘safe rates’ determination. Over the weekend, the Federal Court granted a stay of the Tribunal’s Payments Order, which would have resulted in a massive hike in the cost…

Entsch offers assistance with Austudy payments

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch is urging local students who are experiencing significant delays with their Austudy payments to contact his office for help. “I’m keenly aware that some students are still waiting to be paid their Austudy allowance after applying in January – which obviously has a huge impact on their ability to…

Inquiry into the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility Bill 2016

The Australian Parliament’s Northern Australia Committee will hold a public hearing in Canberra on Friday 8 April 2016 as part of its Inquiry into the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility Bill 2016. The Bill proposes to establish the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility which would provide up to $5 billion in concessional financial assistance to infrastructure projects…

Supporting NAIDOC Week in Leichhardt

THE Turnbull Government will celebrate the history, culture and achievements of First Australians by supporting events to be held as part of National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) Week celebrations in July. Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, and Federal Member for Leichhardt, Warren Entsch MP, said the 2016 NAIDOC grant funding round…

Tropical North Queensland benefiting from Australia’s record tourism growth

NEW figures released by Tourism Research Australia show that Tropical North Queensland was the seventh-highest region in the country for tourist spending. In 2015, Australia’s tourism industry grew to a record $94.5-billion on the back of strong growth in both international and domestic visitor numbers, who are staying longer and spending more. Across Queensland, international…

Cairns to host Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility

Image of Cairns Airport's proposed expansion, courtesy Cairns Post The Government has reached another milestone in the establishment of the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF) by announcing that Cairns, Queensland, will host its headquarters. Among Cairns’ many strengths is its undisputed connectivity to Asian markets, including Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan and strong domestic connectivity.…