New flexible aged care places in the Far North

RESIDENTS in the Far North will benefit from an innovative new approach in flexible aged care that will help older residents remain in their own homes for longer. The Minister for Aged Care, Ken Wyatt AM, MP, has today joined with Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch to welcome the 12 Short-Term Restorative Care places allocated…

Shelleys Crossing’ now a permanent memorial

THE bridge over the Laura River, north of Laura township, will again be known as ‘Shelleys Crossing’ thanks to successful community lobbying efforts, says Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch. “I welcome the decision by Mark Bailey MP, Queensland Minister for Main Roads, Road Safety and Ports, to officially name the bridge in memory of Ms Shelley…

A fair GST playing field for Aussie small business

ONLINE small businesses in the Far North have been given a boost with the Turnbull-Joyce Government delivering on a 2016-17 Budget measure to collect the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on items purchased online from overseas, Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch says. “During the recent Parliamentary sittings, the Government introduced legislation to level the playing field…

Better Indigenous health outcomes for Douglas Shire

NEW funding for primary health care services in Mossman will help keep Indigenous children healthy and ready to learn when they start school, and ensure they are properly immunised. Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch today announced that Queensland Health Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service (Community Health Mossman) will receive $74,328 as part of new…


The Australian Government has announced the establishment Board of the $75 million CRC for Developing Northern Australia, which will get to work on attracting research projects that benefit the north. The CRC, which will have its headquarters in Townsville as part of the Townsville City Deal, will be chaired by Cairns business woman Sheriden Morris.…

Vale Noeline Ikin

On Tuesday next week, in the small community of Mareeba, west of Cairns, there will be a huge outpouring of community loss and grief at the funeral of Noeline Ikin, a very special woman who has fought for regional Australia to the very end. Noeline typified the values that regional communities hold dear: honesty, integrity,…

Adjournment – Tuberculosis a growing threat

I stand here today as the co-chair of the Australian Tuberculosis Caucus, and I wish to acknowledge my other co-chair, the Hon. Matt Thistlethwaite. We are very capably, between the two of us, representing this issue here in this country. I also acknowledge my colleague and very good friend the Rt Hon. Nick Herbert, the…