Fairer Private Health Insurance Incentives Bill 2011

I rise to speak on the Fairer Private Health Insurance Incentives Bill 2011. The ‘fairer’ component of the title should be well and truly removed. I raise serious concerns about the grave impact these changes will have on our public health system, in my electorate and around Australia. The public health system is already significantly…

Adjournment – Cairns Business and Sporting Group

It is no secret that, over the past four or five years, under both state and federal Labor governments and a Labor dominated local government in Cairns, Cairns and the region have been struggling. Labor continually argues that it is all about the global financial crisis, but unfortunately it is a lot more to do…

Proposed airline crew restrictions unlikely to be supported

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch is confident proposed law changes that would restrict the use of foreign-based cabin crews will be rejected. Major carriers Jetstar and Qantas have already warned the draft legislation would increase their operating costs and reduce their ability to compete with other airlines, forcing them to withdraw connecting services from…

Proposed law threatens vital airline services

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch will meet with Senator Nick Xenophon in Canberra this week to express his concerns at proposed law changes that threaten the future of vital airline services in Cairns. Mr Entsch said Senator Xenophon’s proposed amendment to restrict the use of foreign cabin crews in Australia would have a devastating…

Cairns Hockey scores a goal for sports tourism

MEMBER for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has congratulated the team at Cairns Hockey Association for their outstanding work in securing the host city title for a test match series between Australia and New Zealand in June. Cairns Hockey was successful in being named as the host of the test series following a hotly contested bidding process…