Valedictory Speech

Mr ENTSCH (Leichhardt) (1.20 pm)-I rise to say that it is a great pleasure to be back in this place. Three years ago when I rolled my swag and decided that I was going to call it quits, being back here today giving a valedictory a couple of months after re-emerging as the member for…

Wild Rivers – Main Committee

Mr ENTSCH (Leichhardt) (11.50 am)-On Saturday I was taking some time to read the national papers, and I almost choked on my Weeties when I saw this full-page ad about wild rivers, taken out by the Queensland government in all of the national papers. It says ‘Traditional Owners support Wild Rivers’ and proudly shows the…

Address and Reply – House of Representatives

Mr ENTSCH (Leichhardt) (11.42 am)-What an outstanding contribution from a fine regional and rural member. Madam Deputy Speaker Bird, when I made the decision some three years ago to stand down from this place, I never believed for one moment that I would be standing here again before you today- Mr Bruce Scott-We did! Mr…

Wild Rivers Committee Labelled a Stall

Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has accused the Gillard-Labor Government of stalling tactics by referring the Wild Rivers Bill to another committee. Warren Entsch said he was looking forward to standing up in Parliament this week to put his case forward alongside Tony Abbott to abolish the legislation which restricts the rights of the…

Same Sex Marraige (Bandt Motion) House of Reps Chamber

Mr ENTSCH (Leichhardt) (8.56 pm)-I am very well documented as an advocate for gay rights and the right to equality and I continue to support the cause wholeheartedly. I have many gay friends who have been adversely impacted upon by discrimination in our communities, and I believe that equality should not be determined by one’s…