New support for UMI Arts

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has welcomed news of Australian Government support for an innovative indigenous arts project being run by UMI Arts in Cairns. The Minister for the Arts, Senator George Brandis QC, has today announced funding for initiatives that will benefit Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists throughout Australia. Funding of $242,000…

NBN rolling out in Cairns suburbs

AROUND 2800 premises in Manoora, Whitfield and Edge Hill are a step closer to getting access to the National Broadband Network, with construction on the fibre-to-the-premises network now underway. Telstra has finalised remediation of infrastructure in the area, meaning that in coming weeks, NBN Co subcontractors will be in the streets, laying out fibre to…

Land-based dredge disposal critical for growth

LEICHHARDT MP Warren Entsch has applauded the Government’s move to ban the dumping of any capital dredge spoil in Great Barrier Reef Marine Park waters, but says it shouldn’t be news to Ports North in regards to their Port of Cairns dredge proposal. “I congratulate Environment Minister Greg Hunt for this decision, it’s something that…

Fishing for answers: Opportunities for Expanding the Aquaculture Industry in Northern Australia

The Australian Parliament’s Northern Australia Committee has commenced an inquiry into opportunities for expanding the aquaculture industry in Northern Australia—parts of Western Australia, the Northern Territory and Queensland which lie above the Tropic of Capricorn. The potential for aquaculture was raised in the Government’s pre-policy planning document, the Green Paper on Developing Northern Australia, which…

Adjournment – Dredging and Great Barrier Reef

In this adjournment this evening, I would like to welcome the environment minister's announcement this week that there will be zero capital disposal anywhere in the entire Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. The ban will be put into law through regulation and will apply to all applications for capital dredge disposal in the marine park,…

Data retention needed to fight cyber terrorism

**Watch Warren's speech on YouTube** FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has spoken in Parliament to support the Government’s data retention bill. Mr Entsch says the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment (Data Retention) Bill 2014 is a vital measure to help Australia stop online criminals such as paedophiles, major crime groups and terrorists. “We are…