$425,000 upgrade to Groves Creek Bridge

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Mr Warren Entsch has welcomed the Australian Government’s funding for a much-needed upgrade to the Groves Creek Bridge. “The Abbott Government is committing over $53 million to 14 projects across Queensland as part of Round One of the Bridges Renewal Programme,” said Mr Entsch. ”I’m pleased that the Mareeba Shire Council…

Private Members Motion – Northern Australia

It certainly gives me pleasure to rise and stand in support of the member for Herbert's outstanding motion in confirming the government's commitment to the delivery of the white paper on the development of Northern Australia. There have been proposals on this since 1935, and a whole lot of opportunities that have been squandered in…

90 Second Statement – Cairns Street Chaplains

Many a good story starts on a dark and stormy night, and mine is no exception. Imagine walking your city streets after midnight on a Friday night. It is pouring rain, people are flowing out of the clubs and drunks are stumbling down the street. There is a young person lying on the footpath in…

Get funding to fix black spots

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch is encouraging councils and residents to ask for federal funding to fix dangerous intersections or stretches of road. “As well as being devastating for the families involved, road accidents cost our country’s economy around $27 billion each year,” said Mr Entsch. “Thankfully, the number of deaths per year has…

Science, Art and Comedy in the Tropics

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch says Cairns will have a great opportunity to celebrate National Science Week later this year, with a James Cook University project receiving a $9,500 grant from the Australian Government. “It’s a great achievement for JCU’s project to be selected among a range of projects that showcase the best in…

New Green Army projects for Leichhardt

MORE than 350 Green Army projects are set to be rolled out across Australia following the announcement of successful projects for Round 2 of this important environmental programme. “I’m very pleased that Far North Queensland will be hosting a number of Green Army projects,” Mr Entsch said. “This is a fantastic opportunity for our local…

New laws to help stamp out cyberbullying

**Watch Warren's address in Parliament** LEICHHARDT MP Warren Entsch has spoken in Parliament in support of legislation to target insidious cyberbullying that is damaging the mental health of local young people. The Enhancing Online Safety for Children Bill 2014 will establish a Children's E-Safety Commissioner, an authority to take the lead across government in implementing…

First parts of Cairns about to switch on NBN

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch says the count-down is on to March 20 when the first parts of Cairns switch over to the National Broadband Network. “There’s now less than one month until sections of Cairns CBD are switched over from their current broadband service to the NBN,” said Mr Entsch. “But the switch…

Family Day Care voices to be heard

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has urged further consultation with the Family Day Care sector in a move to ensure that proposed changes do not have unintended consequences for educators and families. Mr Entsch spoke in Parliament this week on a Private Members Motion put forward by the Member for Bendigo, Lisa Chesters MP,…

Private Members Motion – Family Day Care

I agree with the member for Bendigo that family day care forms a vital part of Australia's diverse childcare mix. Over the past year, I have visited several family day care services in my electorate. Without fail, the educators are dedicated and enthusiastic, their premises are well-set up and professional and the children benefit from…