Additional $15m investment in Torres Strait infrastructure

The Coalition Government is investing an additional $15 million to support water security and sustainable infrastructure projects in the Torres Strait. The investment, through the Government’s Major Infrastructure Programme, will be matched by the Queensland Government. Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, said concerted efforts by both Australian and Queensland governments over the past 18…

Opportunities for local students under New Colombo plan

IN 2017, James Cook University undergraduate students will get an opportunity to study and/or undertake work-based learning in the Indo-Pacific region, thanks to an Australian Government grant. “It’s great to hear that the Government’s New Colombo Plan mobility program will help 259 JCU students across the Cairns and Townsville campuses to travel overseas and study,”…

90 Second Statement – Global Fund

Australia has defeated tuberculosis but sadly it is still a reality in our regional neighbours, particularly in Papua New Guinea, which impacts on communities in the Torres Strait in my electorate and in Cairns. But tuberculosis can be managed at home and overseas. The best way for Australia to help achieve this is by investing…

Adjournment – Cairns Hockey & Aspire to be Deadly

I rise tonight to formally put on the record my congratulations to the Cairns Hockey Association and its innovative Aspire to be Deadly program, which has made the shortlist for a prestigious international award. Aspire to be Deadly aims to give women and young girls an opportunity to complete and advance their education, to create…

Far Northern renewables full steam ahead

LEICHHARDT MP Warren Entsch has welcomed news of another renewable energy initiative for the Far North, with the announcement today that MSF Sugar will build a $75 million ‘green’ power station at its Tableland Sugar Mill, near Mareeba (pictured). “This is fantastic news ? I really commend MSF Sugar for looking to diversify its business…