Search on again for best images of Leichhardt

IT’S time again to launch the Leichhardt Community Calendar photography competition so whether you’re a legend behind the lens or have fluked an incredible shot, Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch wants to hear from you. Entries are now being accepted for the annual competition, from which Mr Entsch will choose the top 14 shots…

Building about to start on Kim’s renovation rescue

THE Kim Jenkins Renovation Rescue project is moving ahead well, with the family ready to relax at a local resort for a week while building starts on the extension to their home. The building plans have already been completed and approved, thanks to the quick work of local architect Rob Arthur, from Chris Van Dyke…

Calling all poets for historical challenge

LEICHHARDT residents with a flair for poetry are being urged to express their views on ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day and other military commemorations, with Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch encouraging people to enter the 100 Years from Gallipoli Poetry Project. The project aims to combine 200 poems from Australia and New Zealand into a…

T?QUAL grants open to boost local tourism projects

ARE you in a tourism?related business or organisation? Do you have a project or product that needs ‘freshening up’? If so, Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch is urging you to apply for a Tourism Quality Projects grant (T?QUAL Grant), with the 2013 round now open. T?QUAL Grants are an integral part of the Australian Government’s Tourism 2020 strategy…

Volunteers urged to apply for funding grants

VOLUNTEERS play a vital role in our communities yet their work is often under-resourced. So, to assist local organisations, Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch is pleased to announce that the Volunteer Grants program for 2013 is now open. “I am totally committed to supporting and encouraging volunteering in Leichhardt,” Mr Entsch said today. “These…

No winners in cabinet reshuffle

THE Prime Minister’s cabinet reshuffle has resulted in a front bench that is distinctly lacking in experience and ability and it’s the Australian public who will pay, says Federal MP Warren Entsch. “I think it’s an absolute shame that people with talent like Martin Ferguson, Kim Carr and Chris Bowen have had to step down,”…

Labor disintegrates as Coalition waits

FEDERAL MP Warren Entsch has described himself as “bitterly disappointed” that the historic apology to families affected by forced adoption was overshadowed by Labor’s leadership dysfunction. “Yesterday I attended an event in the Great Hall at Parliament House to mark a very significant occasion, when the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition made…

Adjournment – World TB Day

Mr ENTSCH (Leichhardt-Chief Opposition Whip) (19:38): I rise tonight to acknowledge World Tuberculosis Day, this Sunday, 24 March. It is with great sadness that I highlight the case of Catherina Abraham, a 20-year-old girl from Daru Island who last year made a desperate journey to Australia to seek treatment for this killer disease. She had…

CASA must answer to their actions, says Entsch

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has slammed CASA for the permanent grounding of Barrier Aviation, identifying “vested interests” as playing a key role in the airline’s crisis. “It’s a bloody disgrace – there are people in CASA who should be sacked over this,” he said. “By the time the true facts behind all this…