Sporting Schools keeping Far North Queensland youth active

The extension of the Morrison Government’s popular Sporting Schools Program will see more children across Cairns and Far North Queensland participate in free sport activities. The program, which is delivered in partnership with 37 national sporting organisations, helps schools deliver a range of high-quality, inclusive, and diverse sporting activities to primary school students along with…

New projects to protect Far North Queensland native species

The Northern Quoll and Golden-shouldered Parrot are set to benefit from $383,619 in funding for two projects in Far North Queensland thanks to the Morrison Government’s Threatened Species Strategy Action Plan. Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said Far North Queensland NRM, in partnership with Australian Wildlife Conservancy and the Western Yalanjo Aboriginal Corporation, will receive…

Far North Queensland Designated Area Migration Agreement helps address skill shortages

The Australian Government is making key changes to ensure the Far North Queensland Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) remains fit for purpose as the regional labour market has evolved throughout the pandemic. Changes to the Far North Queensland DAMA include updating the range of occupations across which businesses can source workers. Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services…

Heart of Australia receives budget funding boost

The Morrison Government is investing $17.2 million to ensure Heart of Australia can continue to operate mobile health clinics across the state. Heart of Australia provides outreach services across regional, rural and remote part of the state, including at Cooktown and Weipa. Heart of Australia is the first mobile medical program delivering specialist services including…

Daintree Microgrid

Mr ENTSCH: The Daintree microgrid project is signed, sealed and about to be delivered. I have fought tirelessly for this project for more than two decades and I am immensely pleased that the construction will start later this year. I could stand here for hours and talk about the microgrid project and the benefit of…

Morrison Government delivers digital and skills tax boost for Far North Queensland small businesses

The Morrison Government is delivering $1.6 billion in tax relief to support small businesses to go digital and upskill their employees. The Technology Investment Boost will increase digital uptake while the Skills and Training Boost will help small business attract, retain and upskill staff. Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said 20,000 businesses in Cairns and…