Insurance Contracts Amendment Bill 2011

I rise today to also speak on this bill, the Insurance Contracts Amendment Bill 2011, and to indicate my support for the measures contained within this bill. The bill changes the insurance law to introduce a standard definition of flood contracts. This is something that is long overdue in this area and over many years…

Australians urged to remember air raids on Horn Island

FIVE hundred bombs were unleashed, more than 150 servicemen were killed and troops in Australia’s most vulnerable military outpost managed to thwart a relentless attempt at invasion. Yet the Japanese raids on Horn Island in World War II barely rate a mention in Australia’s history books. On the 70th anniversary of the first bombing of…

Opposition dugong/turtle policy to stop cruelty, not ban hunting

THE Opposition’s policy in protecting dugong and turtle populations focuses on stopping the needless cruelty towards the animals, not preventing hunting for cultural reasons, Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch says. His comments come as self-proclaimed activists, including failed Federal election candidate Yodie Batzke, try to misinform people in the Torres Strait and on Cape…

Caoe York graziers stung twice by government ignorance

CAPE York graziers have suffered another blow in the wake of last year’s live cattle export ban debacle, with the Federal Government refusing to consider them for financial assistance. Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch said pastoralists in the Cape had every right to be angry at being refused access to a confusing financial support package…

Entsch applauds bid to review alcohol management plans

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has backed an LNP plan to review alcohol management plans, saying total prohibition has failed to resolve the social issues in indigenous communities. Mr Entsch said comments by Premier Anna Bligh and Deputy Premier Andrew Fraser, who described the plan as a grab at Aboriginal votes, were “disgraceful”. “Both…

Petition to stop JCU student levy

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch is supporting a petition to scrap a compulsory levy imposed on James Cook University students by the Labor Government. As of this year, local students are forced to pay up to $263 a year after Labor, supported by the Greens, passed legislation – the Higher Education Amendment (Student Services…

Rubies hockey team shines in first international outing

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has hailed the North Queensland Rubies hockey team an inspirational force after they made the semi-finals of their first international tournament.The team returned to Cairns this morning after a successful showing at the Singapore Sixes, where they competed with 15 other sides from around the world.Mr Entsch said the…

Report highlights need for change in Cape York

A REPORT into the economic future of Cape York’s key industries highlights the lack of understanding the state and federal governments have of the needs of regional communities, Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch says.Mr Entsch said the “Our Sustainable Futures” report, which was outlined at a forum held in Laura by Cape York Sustainable Futures…

Land-based dredge spoil sites must be considered

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has renewed calls for serious consideration to be given to using dredge spoil on degraded land following comments by Environment Minister Tony Burke that the reef would be used only as a “last resort”. The Federal Government is pushing to introduce a fee of between $5 and $15 per…