Invitation with the Hon Joe Hockey MP

The Hon Warren Entsch, Federal Member for Leichhardt, LNP Candidate for Cairns, Robyn Quick, LNP Candidate for Mulgrave, Michael Trout, LNP Candidate for Barron River and David Kempton, LNP Candidate for Cook present cocktails & canapés with special guestFederal Shadow Treasurer, the Hon Joe Hockey MP Time: 7:00pm for 7:30pmDate: Friday, 7 October 2011Cost: $65.00Venue:…

Private Health Insurance in Leichhardt

There are more than 62,168 people in the electorate of Leichhardt that are currently covered with Private Health Insurance. . The Labor Government are planning to make substantial cuts to PHI rebate which will force premiums to rise. More than 2.4 Million Australians will have their premiums rise by up to $1000 per year. ?…

Grievance Debate: Insurance in Far North Queensland

Mr ENTSCH (Leichhardt-Chief Opposition Whip) (21:37): I rise this evening to express a very serious grievance I have relating to the activities of the insurance industry and what they are doing in my electorate. I have some serious concerns that there are companies there that are engaged in a serious gouging effort in ramping up…

Wild Rivers (Environmental Management) Bill 2011

Mr ENTSCH (Leichhardt-Chief Opposition Whip) (11:11): by leave–on behalf of the Leader of the Opposition I move: That this bill be read a second time. I rise to strongly support the Wild Rivers (Environmental Management) Bill 2011 introduced into this House by the Leader of the Opposition on 12 September 2011. The existing wild rivers…

Clean Energy Bill 2011

Mr ENTSCH (Leichhardt-Chief Opposition Whip) (13:02): I rise today to speak on the Clean Energy Bill 2011 and related bills. I have gone through the plethora of bills to try to see if there is anything really positive that I can speak on but, quite frankly, the more you look into the legislation the greater…

Christmas Card Competition 2011

CALLING ALL BUDDING ARTISTS! Federal Member for Leichhardt, Warren Entsch has announced his Christmas Card Competition for 2011. “This competition is to encourage all children under the age of 12 to design my Christmas card for 2011. This has been a very successful project in the past with an overwhelming response from our schools.” “I…

A Win For Torres Strait Sea Walls

Federal Member for Leichhardt, Warren Entsch is pleased that his Private Members Motion “Torres Strait Sea Walls” was passed by the house earlier today. The Torres Strait Island Sea Walls Motion was passed in the house with the full support of the Government and the Independents. “This motion called on the Government to commit to…

Coalition Calls For Cairns Veterans To Have Their Say

  Veterans living in the Cairns region have an opportunity to shape future policy directions during a veterans’ forum being held next week. Shadow Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Senator the Hon. Michael Ronaldson, will join Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch in Cairns as part of a series of nation?wide veterans’ forums. “I am looking forward to…