A LOCAL Nepalese community group which started a public appeal last week has had to call a temporary halt on donations of goods due to an overwhelming response.
However the group is still seeking assistance with freighting the goods to Kathmandu, and is urgently calling on any local transport operators who may have international contacts.
Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said the Cairns community had responded “incredibly strongly” to the appeal and it was great to see the level of compassion for the victims of the Nepal earthquake.
“The donations came in very quickly over the week and the group has already filled the space in the School of Arts Building at City Place, which Cairns Regional Council very kindly allowed them to use,” Mr Entsch said.
“The group now need to sort out the donations they have already received, and process the goods that aren’t suitable to be sent to Nepal, before they can continue.
“There is a notice on the door of the building, so I’d ask people not to leave goods on the footpath but to hang onto them until the group are able to take more donations.”
A local transport company has assisted the appeal by providing boxes to pack the donations of tents, warm clothes, umbrellas and blankets. Financial donations have also been strong, with more than $3000 raised. Further donations can still be made to the Nepali Community FNQ account, details as follows:
BSB: 034-664
Account: 350-842
Account Name: Nepali Community FNQ
For further information, please contact Avishek Singh on 0451 020 653.