Remote community stores across Cape York are sharing in $8 million to strengthen the supply of essential goods, groceries and other critical supplies.
Federal Indigenous Australians Minister Ken Wyatt said the funding will provide stores with the resources they need to improve their supply chains, storage and delivery of products in their communities.
“In the 2021-22 budget we committed $5 million to invest in remote stores to improve food security and strengthen supply chains,” Mr Wyatt said.
“This grant round has gone beyond that budget commitment, with $8 million directly supporting communities across Australia as they contend with the impacts of the pandemic and natural disasters.
“We saw the increased need for reliable food security in remote communities, listened and acted.
“The applications received in this grant round highlights the strong commitment by remote stores to improve their services and meet the needs of the community they serve.
Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said three organisations that service Cape York communities will receive funding to make immediate improvements to their store.
“Community Enterprise Queensland will receive $267,000 to purchase six refrigerated containers for Doomadgee, Kowanyama and Pormpuraaw,” Mr Entsch said.
“Mapoon Aboriginal Shire Council will receive $495,000 to purchase new commercial chiller, freezer and dry goods storage.
“Seisia Community Torres Strait Islander Corporation will receive $500,000 towards purchasing cold rooms, refrigeration, backup generator, in-storage facilities, vehicle, forklift and staff training.
“It means residents of these communities will be able to more reliably buy what they want and have a better experience when doing so.
“The local store is an essential service and this funding will help ensure they continue to make a real difference delivering food and other goods at reasonable prices.”
The Food Security Grant Opportunity was a competitive grant process in line with Recommendation 13 from the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Indigenous Affairs Report on food pricing and food security in remote Indigenous communities.
Projects funded under the grant round include infrastructure upgrades, cool and dry storage expansion, green energy systems and training for staff and management.