Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has come out swinging in response to threats by Member for Cairns Desley Boyle that State Government will pull its funding on the Cultural Precinct if it doesn’t happen her way.
Mr Entsch says it’s not about Desley Boyle or Val Schier’s wants and needs, it’s about the communities’ and it’s about time they both started to listen up or pay dearly at the next State and Local elections for their ignorance.
“I condemn Desley Boyle for threatening to pull the funding on a project that she was sold on that was the concept of a minority group, which had not been put to the community for a full public consultation,” Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch said.
Mr Entsch says “the community will finally get to have their say on what they want for their Performing Arts & Cultural Precinct and they have every right to have their say as it is not up to her or any politician to dictate what the community desires,
“I congratulate the Cairns Regional Councillors and the members of the community who forced an open consultation with a survey to be sent out to the community to verify what it is that the masses really want. This should have been done 18 months ago, but better late than never and good on those Councillors who had the guts to stand up amongst their colleagues and demand a democratic process,
“For once the community has found its voice and turned up in force to the public meeting at Council and demanded to have their say and yet Ms Boyle wants to threaten them for it. That is not on in my view. I dare her to go against the community desire and see what happens to her and Anna Bligh at the next State Election which I remind her is only 12 months away,
“This community deserves more and we will now start demanding it so I say to leaders in this community who are cow towing to Brisbane and Canberra like Desley Boyle ? if you aren’t ready to listen, get out of the people’s way, as the power of the masses will win in the end and Cairns will start getting what it wants as we have had enough of being given the crumbs off the plate,” Mr Entsch said.
Warren Entsch also accused Desley Boyle of betraying the community.
“The State Government committed the funds and did not dictate the design, location or detail of the project at the time of committing those funds and nor should it do it now,
“This town deserves more than $240 million in Government investment considering the economic woes this region is going through. We deserve more like $500 million in my view so for Desley Boyle to threaten to reduce the funding allocated is just ludicrous. Cairns has missed out for far too long and if Desley Boyle wants the Labor Party to hold onto the seat of Cairns she better start listening to the people and delivering what they want, not a minority group or pay when we head to the polls in the State Election,” Mr Entsch said.