FAR Northerners must unite in demanding that the Federal Government reverse health funding cuts in Queensland as they have just been forced to do in Victoria, says Federal MP Warren Entsch.
“If it’s good enough for Victoria, it’s good enough for Queensland,” Mr Entsch said today.
“The $8.3 million that is being clawed back from the Leichhardt electorate is having a massive impact on jobs and the provision of services, as we’ve seen this week.
“The unions can engage in political grandstanding but if they really want to make a difference in getting these jobs back, then they have to go to the root and cause of the problem.
“The Heath Minister, Tanya Plibersek must return the $6.5 million that has been cut from the Cairns Hospital and Health Service, and the $900,000 each from the Cape York and Torres Strait/Northern Peninsula Area services.
“And while she is at it, she can pay the outstanding bill to Queensland Health for the treatment of foreign nationals, including $24.1 million still owing for the provision of tuberculosis treatment to PNG nationals.
“I am calling on the unions to get behind us and immediately start lobbying Senator Jan McLucas and Minister Plibersek to reinstate this funding.”