Building Better Regions Funding for Cape York

• Four Cape York Projects Announced Successful Grant Recipients • Fund supports key community projects in regional and remote communities • Nationwide, 147 projects will share in $6.9 million which spurs and extra $5.4 million in investment CAPE York will benefit socially and culturally with four community projects being awarded grants under the Coalition’s Building…


Bridge Upgrades for Leichhardt

THREE new bridge projects will be delivered in Leichhardt following the announcement of successful projects under round three of the Federal Government’s Bridges Renewal Program. Douglas Shire Council will receive $1,339,250 million in funding for the Diggers Bridge Replacement Project, while Cook Shire Council will receive a total of $108,330 towards construction of the King…


Local Drug Action Team for Cape York

COMMUNITY groups in Cape York are joining forces under a Federal Government plan to stop the use of ice, drugs and alcohol at a grass-roots level, and deliver support to those battling drug and alcohol addiction. Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch said an extra 40 Local Drug Action Teams (LADT) have been announced across…



Lovers of running and the Great Barrier Reef are combining forces today in Cairns, Townsville and Mackay as they gear up to run for the Reef. Supported with a $150,000 election commitment by the Turnbull Government, City Run and the Great Barrier Reef Marathon Festival are held each year to support James Cook University’s (JCU)…



In our efforts to protect the Great Barrier Reef and building on the $27.4 million investment to support the direct management of crown-of-thorns starfish, the Turnbull Government is now turning to the starfish’s natural predator for help. As part of its commitment under the Reef 2050 Plan, the Government is investing $568,000 towards research trials…


Put Your Bids in for Remote Airstrip Upgrades

. Round 5 of the Remote Airstrip Upgrade Programme now open for applications . Funding available for improving the accessibility and safety of airstrips in remote communities . Applications will remain open until 20 October 2017 ROUND five of the Federal Government’s Remote Airstrip Upgrade Programme is now open. Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Darren…


Congratulations to JCU on New Tuberculosis Vaccine Research

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt has congratulated James Cook University for its innovation and determination to develop a new tuberculosis vaccine and help save millions of lives. JCU’s Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine (AITHM) has begun new research in Cairns and Townsville, led by Dr Andreas Kupz, to understand aspects of the immune response…


Mooroobool Preschoolers Get Head Start in STEM

PRESCHOOLERS at the Butterflies Early Learning and Childcare Centre in Mooroobool will be amongst the first in Australia to be introduced to science, technology, mathematics and engineering (STEM) through a new series of fun, play-based apps. Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch said Butterflies was one of 100 early learning centres selected to be part…


Further Funding Boost for Cairns Aquarium

The Reef and Rainforest Research Centre is set to receive $300,000 to promote the conservation and protection of Far North Queensland’s natural environmental assets at the Cairns Aquarium. The Turnbull Government is providing $150,000 through the Tourism Demand Driver Infrastructure program to the centre for the design, production and installation of interpretive signage. A further…
