Katter’s insurance policy lacks substance

MEMBER for Leichhardt Warren Entsch is stunned that fellow MP Bob Katter has launched a State election policy to solve Queensland’s insurance woes when he has avoided dealing with the problem for the past year. Mr Katter last week said his party of state election candidates would establish a State Government insurance firm to ensure…


Private health reforms to sting public health system

THE Far North’s over-stretched public health system would be one of the nation’s biggest casualties under the Gillard Government’s plans to wind back private health insurance rebates, Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch says. Mr Entsch argued against the Government’s legislation in Federal Parliament, saying the changes would push more patients into the public health…


Entsch welcomes Government support in quest to fight TB threat

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch today welcomed the Government’s support of his motion to take more action to reduce the tuberculosis threat to Papua New Guinea from affecting the Torres Strait. Mr Entsch met with Health Minister Tanya Plibersek and senior AusAID officials today (February 7) to reinforce his view that frontline health services…


Proposed airline crew restrictions unlikely to be supported

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch is confident proposed law changes that would restrict the use of foreign-based cabin crews will be rejected. Major carriers Jetstar and Qantas have already warned the draft legislation would increase their operating costs and reduce their ability to compete with other airlines, forcing them to withdraw connecting services from…


Proposed law threatens vital airline services

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch will meet with Senator Nick Xenophon in Canberra this week to express his concerns at proposed law changes that threaten the future of vital airline services in Cairns. Mr Entsch said Senator Xenophon’s proposed amendment to restrict the use of foreign cabin crews in Australia would have a devastating…


Cairns Hockey scores a goal for sports tourism

MEMBER for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has congratulated the team at Cairns Hockey Association for their outstanding work in securing the host city title for a test match series between Australia and New Zealand in June. Cairns Hockey was successful in being named as the host of the test series following a hotly contested bidding process…


Cairns must seize the day to ensure port and naval expansion

MEMBER For Leichhardt Warren Entsch has welcomed the positive signs for Cairns in the progress report of the Defence Force Posture Review but urged the community to make its voice heard to ensure the expansion of the city’s port facilities and naval base. Mr Entsch said he was pleased that Cairns received a positive endorsement…
