Scrapping of solar hot water rebate to sting suppliers

THE Federal Government’s sudden decision to pull the plug on a solar hot water rebate has left Cairns businesses high and dry, Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch says. Mr Entsch yesterday blasted the Government for scrapping the Renewable Energy Scheme’s Solar Hot Water Rebate to new customers as of midnight on Tuesday (February 28), comparing…


Petition for an immediate election

Attached is a petition by Senator Helen Kroger, the Chief Opposition Whip in the Senate, which asks the Senate to immediately require the Prime Minister to call a general election. The extraordinary events of the last few days are like none other in Australian history. Many people have contacted my office in the last few…


Wild Rivers policy another bid for green votes

PREMIER Anna Bligh has plucked eight random rivers to add to the Wild Rivers legislation list merely to meet the quota she promised green groups, Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch says. Mr Entsch labelled Labor’s pledge to declare five more rivers on Cape York as being exempt from mining, damming and other development as…


Valuable views put forward at fishing forum

ABOUT 100 people who attended the Future of Fishing Forum were vocal in their views on the Government’s lack of consultation when imposing restrictions on the industry. The forum, organised by Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch, heard from dozens of people in, or associated with, the commercial, sport and recreational fishing industry at the…


Fishing forum to give anglers a voice

FISHERS wanting a say in the future of their livelihoods are invited to a public meeting hosted by Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch, Senator Richard Colbeck and the Far North’s LNP candidates. The Future of Fishing Forum aims to give recreation, sport and commercial fishers the opportunity to share their views on the challenges…


Katter’s insurance policy lacks substance

MEMBER for Leichhardt Warren Entsch is stunned that fellow MP Bob Katter has launched a State election policy to solve Queensland’s insurance woes when he has avoided dealing with the problem for the past year. Mr Katter last week said his party of state election candidates would establish a State Government insurance firm to ensure…


Private health reforms to sting public health system

THE Far North’s over-stretched public health system would be one of the nation’s biggest casualties under the Gillard Government’s plans to wind back private health insurance rebates, Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch says. Mr Entsch argued against the Government’s legislation in Federal Parliament, saying the changes would push more patients into the public health…


Entsch welcomes Government support in quest to fight TB threat

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch today welcomed the Government’s support of his motion to take more action to reduce the tuberculosis threat to Papua New Guinea from affecting the Torres Strait. Mr Entsch met with Health Minister Tanya Plibersek and senior AusAID officials today (February 7) to reinforce his view that frontline health services…
