Entsch secures funding for more CCTV in Cairns

AN elected Coalition Government will invest $400,000 to expand the fixed CCTV network across Cairns CBD today.  Making the announcement with Shadow Minister for Justice, Customs and Border Protection, Mr Michael Keenan MP today, Mr Entsch said he was thrilled to secure Federal funds.   “Crime prevention and improving community safety is a significant priority…


Coalition makes rural and regional health a priority

THE Coalition’s newly-announced health policy will help get more – and better-trained – medical experts into rural and regional areas, Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch said today. “We need more frontline services in Leichhardt, from highly skilled doctors, to nurses and allied health professionals,” said Mr Entsch. “This is a significant issue, and one that…


Coalition commits $42 million to tropical medicine at JCU

A COALITION Government will invest $42 million to support the expansion of James Cook University’s (JCU) renowned Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine (AITHM).  Today’s announcement is a win for the Far North, with Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch saying it “further underlines the Coalition’s determination to support the development of Northern Australia”.  “I’m…


Rudd’s reckless spending reaches new low

FEDERAL member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has demanded the Prime Minister explain how he funded a “ridiculously large” Labor election billboard sighted at the Star Ferry Terminal in Hong Kong. Mr Entsch was outraged when a photo of the campaign sign came across his desk. “Kevin Rudd must come clean about where the money for…


China must not be taken for granted: Entsch

PM Kevin Rudd’s ‘fly in, fly out’ approach to tourism might work for the nightly news but only the Coalition has a sustainable, workable plan for attracting Chinese tourists, says Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch. Mr Entsch has backed comments made by Shadow Tourism Minister Bob Baldwin on 4CA talkback this week when Mr Baldwin identified…


Entsch calls on Labor to stop the spin

LEICHHARDT MP Warren Entsch has hit out at Deputy Prime Minister Anthony Albanese for his “outrageous” and “completely untrue” claims surrounding the Coalition’s National Broadband Network policy. “Albanese was in Bundaberg yesterday and pulled the same stunt down there,” Mr Entsch said. “This is typical of the slash and cut fear campaign that Labor are…


Coalition releases practical plan to reduce drownings

THE spotlight will go on water safety today with Shadow Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Opposition, Senator Arthur Sinodinos, and Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch announcing that Far North Surf Life Saving Clubs will benefit under the Coalition’s new Practical Plan to Reduce Drownings. The plan will see Australia’s 310 Surf Life Saving Clubs,…


Coalition announces dugong and turtle protection plan

THE dugongs and turtles along the Great Barrier Reef will have greater protection under a $5 million plan announced today by the Coalition. Shadow Minister for Climate Action, Environment and Heritage, Greg Hunt, made the announcement with the Member for Leichhardt, Warren Entsch, in Cairns following ongoing community concern about illegal poaching and the need…


Youth unemployment rise “disgraceful” says Entsch

LEICHHARDT MP Warren Entsch has labelled the skyrocketing youth unemployment rate in North Queensland a “disgrace” after figures revealed the youth jobless rate had tripled to a staggering 28.4 per cent in the North.   “The jobless rate among 20 to 24-year-olds has doubled since Kevin Rudd came into power in 2007,” he said.  …


Entsch applauds $100m pledge to fix mobile black spots

LEICHHARDT MP Warren Entsch has today applauded the Coalition’s pledge of $100 million to address mobile phone black spots in regional, remote and outer metropolitan communities. The policy will provide $80 million for a Mobile Network Expansion Programme coverage along major transport routes, in small communities and in locations prone to experiencing natural disasters.  The Coalition…
