New Smart Farms small grants funding round now open

Farmers, fishers and foresters can now apply for Australian Government funding of up to $100,000 to support their natural resource management efforts. Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said applications for Round 4 of Smart Farms Small Grants were now open. “This is a hugely popular program that provides a real bang for buck when it…


PDR sealing works to open up access to Cape York

Stage 1 of the Cape York Region Package project is now complete with Stage 2 work due to commence soon to seal more than 15 kilometres of the Peninsula Developmental Road. Stage 2 will further open up access to Cape York while strengthening the road against flooding. Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack said the Cape…


Public invited to have their say on Reef 2050 plan

The Australian and Queensland Governments invite Australians to have their say on a draft of the updated Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan. The six-week public consultation period closes on 30 September 2020. Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley said this is the first five-yearly comprehensive review of the Plan to ensure it continues to focus on…


Army regional support craft for Far North Queensland

The Morrison Government will acquire an Australian made 12.5 metre regional support craft to boost border protection in Far North Queensland. Defence Minister Linda Reynolds CSC said the regional support craft, which will be located at Thursday Island, will also provide marine support to whole of government operations. “The craft will be operated by Army’s…


Protecting the world’s largest Green Turtle population

The Morrison Government has launched a $5.9 million Green Turtle Research and Protection Program to preserve and nurture the world’s largest green turtle population on the Great Barrier Reef. Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley said more than sixty thousand green turtles visit the beaches of the Northern Great Barrier Reef to lay their eggs each…


Cairns Defence Community Support Group receives funding boost

Organisations that support Australian Defence Force families across Australia will share in $1.5 million to deliver programs and services within their local communities. Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said the Cairns Defence Community Support Group would receive $14,324 under the Morrison Government’s Family Support Funding Program which enables defence families to connect and interact with…


Kuranda and Cooktown Men’s Sheds receive funding boost

The Morrison Government is continuing to support the health and wellbeing of men in Far North Queensland through the 20th funding round of the National Shed Development Programme. Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch welcomed the decision by the Australian Government to award the Kuranda and Cooktown Men’s Sheds with funding of $4000 and $4504 respectively.…


JobKeeper Payment and JobSeeker Coronavirus Supplement extended for Cairns and Far North Queensland businesses and households

The JobKeeper program and the JobSeeker Coronavirus Supplement have been extended under the next phase of the Morrison Government’s support for affected businesses and households. This unprecedented economic support for local businesses and their workers is helping the Cairns and Far North Queensland community through the COVID-19 pandemic and bolstering our economic recovery. Under the…
