Community Rallies to Eradicate Pesky Mynas

A CAMPAIGN to reduce the plague of Indian myna birds in the Far North has reached a milestone, with Federal MP for Leichhardt Warren Entsch, Cairns Rotary and the Cairns Men’s Shed celebrating the construction of the 500th myna bird trap this Thursday, 19 April. In November, the Rotary Club of Cairns declared war on…


Time to reignite discussion on the future of the Sheraton Mirage

OPPORTUNITIES occasionally come along that create a real ‘light-bulb’ moment and a recent last-minute offer to take the place of the Shadow Tourism Minister at Hamilton Island’s Qualia resort was certainly one.Although it was easy to be impressed by the service, the food, the stunning facilities and setting, it was the remarkable parallels between Hamilton…


Recycled Water Scheme a ‘bogey’ for Mossman Golf Club

A MOVE by Cairns Regional Council to force Mossman Golf Club to pay for a recycled water scheme it can’t afford will bankrupt the organisation, club representatives say. Desperate for assistance, club captain John Carney and former president Ian Prewett have contacted the office of Federal MP Warren Entsch appealing for help to make council…



A REFUSAL by the Attorney General to meet with the mayors of 19 Cape York and Torres councils over their disaster recovery arrangements is outrageous, says Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch.Kym Jerome, CEO of the Regional Organisation of Councils of Cape York and Torres Shire (ROCCY), wrote to the Hon Nicola Roxon MP on March 27…



LEICHHARDT MP Warren Entsch has welcomed a pledge by Cairns Mayor Val Schier to commit $10 million towards refurbishment of the Tobruk Memorial Pool if she is re-elected this month.But he has cautioned that the move “smells like an election ploy” given that only two months ago, Cr Schier labelled a package of initiatives to…


Cape York takes wild rivers fight to Brisbane

CAPE York traditional owners who campaigned on election day in Brisbane against the wild rivers legislation and a blanket World Heritage proposal achieved a significant win for their people, Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch says. A contingent of traditional owners, including members of Cape York Sustainable Futures, travelled to Brisbane to ensure voters in…


Onus on insurance companies to ease pain for North Queensland

FEDERAL Member for Warren Entsch is urging insurance companies to show a social obligation and provide North Queenslanders with affordable strata title insurance rather than wait for the Government to intervene.Mr Entsch yesterday (March 21) told Federal Parliament the insurance crisis facing northern Australia required Government action but warned there was no quick fix unless…


Cape York stifled by The Wilderness Society’s power over Labor

THE Wilderness Society’s blatant influence over Labor could cost Far North Queensland another mining project that would generate thousands of jobs and revive the region’s economy. Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke has revoked a decision to approve Rio Tinto’s proposed $1.5 billion bauxite mine and port development based on an inaccurate single-page submission by TWS.…


Premier poses for photos but snubs indigenous leaders

PREMIER Anna Bligh’s refusal to meet with leaders of a Cape York council typifies the contempt that Labor holds for indigenous communities, Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch says. The Premier used her visit to Pormpuraaw last month purely as a media opportunity and failed to advise Mayor Richard Tarpencha, chief executive officer Edward Natera…
