Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch has welcomed news that the Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, Kate Carnell, will carry out a review into small business lending practices. “This is a very significant first step as we look more broadly at making the banks take more responsibility for unfair activities,” Mr Entsch said. “I appreciate that…


Far Northern renewables full steam ahead

LEICHHARDT MP Warren Entsch has welcomed news of another renewable energy initiative for the Far North, with the announcement today that MSF Sugar will build a $75 million ‘green’ power station at its Tableland Sugar Mill, near Mareeba (pictured). “This is fantastic news ? I really commend MSF Sugar for looking to diversify its business…


Lakeland solar project milestone welcomed

THE start of construction on the $42.5m solar and storage project near Lakeland will be an opportunity for Far North Queensland to showcase a new level of technical innovation and improved reliability in renewable energy, says Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch. “Conergy’s announcement that construction will begin in September on Australia’s first solar and storage project…


Cooktown: nbn fibre-to-the-node construction begins

AUSTRALIA’S National Broadband Network is now available at more than 45,000 homes and businesses across Leichhardt – with an additional 32,000 currently under construction, says Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch. The news comes as nbn Co begin construction of fibre to the node in 1200 premises in Cooktown. “The message for Cooktown residents is…


Freshwater: nbn fibre-to-the-node construction begins

AUSTRALIA’S National Broadband Network is now available at more than 45,000 homes and businesses across Leichhardt – with an additional 32,000 currently under construction, says Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch. The news comes as nbn Co begin construction of fibre to the node in 2,000 premises in Freshwater. “The message for residents is clear…


Roads to Recovery $1.77 million funding boost for Leichhardt

FUNDING under the Australian Government’s Roads to Recovery Programme has today been distributed to eight councils in the electorate of Leichhardt, to assist with local road construction and maintenance. Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester said the 2016 Budget extended the Roads to Recovery Programme, and provided an additional $50 million per annum from…


Peninsula Developmental Road sealing rolls on

Work on sealing Cape York Peninsula’s only major access road – the Peninsula Developmental Road (PDR) – has reached another milestone with the completion of the Mein Deviation project. Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester said works on sealing the remaining 10.1 kilometres of the 29 kilometre stretch of the PDR between Wolverton and…


A week of lasers, art and other science fun in Cairns

A laser show, interactive art, and a Pecha Kucha night are all ways that Cairns locals can celebrate this year’s National Science Week, says Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch. “Science is essential to our future jobs, our future prosperity and our future quality of life,” he said, “which is why we should all use…


Douglas to benefit from sporting grants

THERE’S good news for two not-for-profit community organisations in Port Douglas who will receive funding for important infrastructure projects under the Federal Government’s Stronger Communities Program. Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has today congratulated the proponents of the two successful projects, announcing: Up to $6500 for the Douglas Integrated Riders and Trail-builders (DIRT) Club…
