More aged care places welcomed for Cape York and Torres Strait

OLDER residents in Weipa and Bamaga who need higher levels of care will now be able to stay connected with their communities, says Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch. Mr Entsch has announced today that a new aged care service will be established in Bamaga through the Australian Government’s Multi-Purpose Services (MPS) Program. “This is fantastic news…


Local school wins with reef health initiatives

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch today announced Trinity Anglican School as a recipient of the Reef Guardian Schools Ripples of Change grant. Trinity Anglican School has been recognised for its focus on protecting the Great Barrier Reef health in 2017. The school receives $500 funding toward their efforts to combat challenges to the marine…


Australia’s Biggest Survey

Dear Local Resident, It's a pleasure to work with people, groups and local businesses to deliver for our community. And I know that I'm most effective when I have a clear understanding of what's important to you. I'm inviting everyone to complete my 'Biggest Survey' to help me better understand your needs and priorities. It…


$20M Regional Jobs and Investment Package on Track

THERE’S momentum behind the scenes on the Coalition Government’s $20 million Regional Jobs and Investment Package with an announcement on the membership of the Local Planning Committee expected very soon, Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch says. This RJIP, announced during the 2016 election, aims to diversify regional economies, create jobs and invest in sustainable regional communities…


Fundraising for the Bush through the gift of laughter

LEICHHARDT MP Warren Entsch is urging locals to support ‘battlers in the bush’ by attending an evening of laughs and entertainment organised by the Australian Horizons Foundation. The Foundation, of which Mr Entsch is patron, has been a vocal supporter of regional Queensland where drought-stricken communities and families have been doing it tough for many…


Apply now for Round 1 of the Building Better Regions Fund

– Specific funding for investment ready projects in regional, rural and remote Australia.– Funding will be available across two streams ? infrastructure projects and community investments.– Information session scheduled in Cairns on 7th February 2017 Community groups and local councils are encourage to apply for funding under the Building Better Regions Fund, which is available…


Delivering a better road network for the Cape

– Sealing works are now complete on two of the four 2016 Peninsula Developmental Road projects– The works are part of the $260.5 million Cape York Region Package– Once all four projects are complete, the Cape York Region Package will have sealed over 248 kilometres of road, which equates to over 50 per cent of…



Col McKenzie (AMPTO), Russell Beer (Ports North) and Warren Entsch (MP for Leichhardt) welcome the increased capability that will come with the Venus II. (Image courtesy RRRC) THE Coalition Government is stepping up efforts to cull more coral-eating crown-of-thorns starfish with a second boat. The Reef and Rainforest Research Centre (RRRC) in partnership with the…



DRONES are increasingly becoming a part of daily life, with companies and organisations across the globe already investing heavily in drone technology. Now, thanks to an innovative James Cook University program supported by the Australian Government, local high-school girls will have the opportunity to learn more about this rapidly-growing field. Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch has…
