New Masterpolan provides blueprint for Sporting success

Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch is today proud to launch the Cairns Business and Sporting Group Regional Master Plan that provides a clear blueprint for the future of sports infrastructure in the Far Northern region.   Mr Entsch applauded the work of the group, comprising a host of business and sporting leaders and chaired by…


Sophie’s Petition

MEMBER for Leichhardt Warren Entsch earlier today launched ‘Sophie’s Petition’, an incredible effort to get a pedestrian crossing by Ellis Beach by nine-year-old road safety crusader Sophie Alcorn. Sophie Alcorn has been waging a campaign for the pedestrian crossing after her friend Asha was accidentally hit by a car while crossing the road at the…


Fight for fairness on Body Corporate Insurance heats up

Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch today announces his serious concerns about the practises of body corporate insurance companies has been referred to the ACCC in a major step forward for property owners in the Far North. Mr Entsch’s parliamentary colleague, Coalition shadow minister for Small Business, Competition Policy and Consumer Affairs the Hon. Bruce Billson this…


Hard yards already done on sports infrastructure

Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has urged the State Labor Government to get behind a Cairns Business and Sporting Group which is due to release its comprehensive sports tourism and sports medicine infrastructure plan this week.Mr Entsch said he was honoured that the State Labor Government was plagiarising the group’s work by staging a sports…


Vale Tom Pyne

Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has expressed his condolences to the Pyne family after the passing of larger than life community stalwart Tom Pyne. After being elected to the Federal Parliament in 1996, Mr Entsch worked closely with Mr Pyne until his retirement as mayor in 2000.The pair were in regular contact during this…


Urgent need for action on Economic Diversity

The Qantas debacle serves to highlight the urgent need for the Far North to stop talking about economic diversity and actually do something about it, Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said.Mr Entsch said that while tourism will always remain the region’s number one economic driver, the sudden cut to Qantas flights over the weekend was a…


Get lawn bowls back on ABC

Federal Member for Leichhardt, Warren Entsch is putting his strong support behind the national campaign to ‘Get lawn bowls back on the ABC’. The campaign which is being led by the Hon Bronwyn Bishop MP, Shadow Minister for Seniors, and Kelly O’Dwyer MP, Federal Member for Higgins and the director of Bowls Australia, was launched…


Invitation with the Hon Joe Hockey MP

The Hon Warren Entsch, Federal Member for Leichhardt, LNP Candidate for Cairns, Robyn Quick, LNP Candidate for Mulgrave, Michael Trout, LNP Candidate for Barron River and David Kempton, LNP Candidate for Cook present cocktails & canapés with special guestFederal Shadow Treasurer, the Hon Joe Hockey MP Time: 7:00pm for 7:30pmDate: Friday, 7 October 2011Cost: $65.00Venue:…


Private Health Insurance in Leichhardt

There are more than 62,168 people in the electorate of Leichhardt that are currently covered with Private Health Insurance. . The Labor Government are planning to make substantial cuts to PHI rebate which will force premiums to rise. More than 2.4 Million Australians will have their premiums rise by up to $1000 per year. ?…
