AUSTRALIA’S National Broadband Network is now available at more than 45,000 homes and businesses across Leichhardt – with an additional 32,000 currently under construction, says Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch.
The news comes as nbn Co begin construction of fibre to the node in 1200 premises in Cooktown.
“The message for Cooktown residents is clear – super fast broadband is on its way,” said Mr Entsch.
Final network designs for the region are now complete, meaning that locals should see nbn subcontractors connecting the area with new high-speed broadband technology.
“High speed broadband is the essential infrastructure of the twenty-first century, and the nbn will provide the platform to deliver a range of economic and social benefits to all of us.
“All businesses in the Cooktown region will be more productive as the nbn enables greater access to new online services like cloud-based accounting software. Also, students will be able to participate in immersive learning experiences from their classroom or home.
“Locals mums and dads will also be able to take care of everyday tasks like accessing government services of paying bills quickly and easily online.”
The Turnbull Coalition Government is rolling out high-speed broadband across Australia in the fastest and most affordable way, with every home and business in Australia to be connected to the nbn by 2020.
“The nbn was a failing government infrastructure project in 2013, which led to contractors downing tools across four states,” said Mr Entsch, “but today it’s being rolled out on time and on budget.”
He said that more than 70,000 homes and businesses across Australia are signing up to the nbn every single month.
As nbn construction is completed over coming months in the various suburbs across Leichhardt, residents and businesses will be able to sign up to an nbn plan with their chosen retail service provider, and will be supplied with a new modem to enable high-speed broadband. A range of plans with various download quotas and speed tiers are available to suit consumer and business need.
More information on how to connect to the nbn is available at