Investing in cleaner and greener Far North Queensland communities

The federal government will invest more than $22 million to deliver practical environmental projects, giving communities new opportunities to protect and care for their local environment. The Communities Environment Program will provide up to $150,000 to each Federal electorate in 2019-20 for community-led projects that deliver real environmental benefits. The program builds on the government’s…

Back spot program funds set to save lives in Cairns

Cairns residents received a major road safety boost today with the federal government announcing it will invest $372,000 towards bicycle safety upgrade projects under the federal government’s highly-successful Black Spot Program. Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said six* locations across Cairns will be made safer thanks to the federal government’s investment. “Motorists living within and…

Federal government to invest $268 million to continue the battle against alcohol and drug misuse

The federal government will provide $268 million to continue support for Australians battling alcohol and drug issues. Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said the funding over three years from 2019-20 to 2021-22 will be provided to regionally-based Primary Health Networks. He said the Northern Queensland PHN would receive $1.284m per year over the next three…

Free flu vaccines for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children

The federal government will ensure 170,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and adolescents are vaccinated against the flu for free and additionally provide a $12 million to boost a national immunisation education campaign. Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said seasonal influenza vaccines will be available at no cost through the National Immunisation Program for…