Be a marine biologist for a day

From classrooms to coral — school students and teachers can now experience what it is like to be a marine biologist on one of the most amazing natural places on Earth, the Great Barrier Reef. Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley said new Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority education resources will support teachers in planning…

Suicide prevention grants to double, focus on at-risk groups

The Morrison Government is increasing suicide prevention grants to organisations across the country to help reduce Australia’s suicide rate. Organisations in Cairns and Far North Queensland can now apply for funding through the National Suicide Prevention Leadership and Support Program Grant Opportunity. There is $114 million available under the program for national projects that will…

Organisations to receive funding to improve disability support for local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

Three Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community organisations in Far North Queensland have received a $22,000 grant from the Australian Government to improve delivery of National Disability Insurance Scheme support services in the region. Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said the local recipients of the grant were Bandaar Walaaybaa Community Hub at Earlville, NPA Family and Community…

Funding to help the Torres Strait community remember those who served

The Australian Government will provide the Torres Shire Council $139,487 under the Saluting their Service Commemorative Grants program to help preserve our wartime heritage. Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said the funding for the Torres Shire Council’s project ensures the ongoing recognition of our Australian servicemen and women, particularly those in the Torres Strait. He…