Labour plays catch-up on dredging

LEICHHARDT MP Warren Entsch has welcomed Federal Labor’s decision to finally support the banning of dredge spoil being dumped in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. “Labor’s decision is nothing short of catch-up,” said Mr Entsch, “considering the current Coalition Government already announced that policy in December last year.” “They had the chance to…

Investing in jobs for Cairns

The Australian Government is supporting local efforts to facilitate improved employment and training outcomes for Indigenous job seekers in Cairns. Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, and the Member for Leichhardt, Warren Entsch, announced funding of $42,200 to an Indigenous owned business, Envizion Group Inc, to develop a strategic plan, business plan and undertake business…

‘Deadly’ new IEP launches in Cairns

THERE will soon be more Indigenous faces in frontline tourism positions thanks to the dedication and innovation of a local training organisation, says Federal MP Warren Entsch. The team at Deadly Success, along with a number of local Reef tourism operators and Mr Entsch (also representing the Prime Minister, Tony Abbott), today launched the ‘Deadly…

New Torres leaders welcomed to Canberra

FOUR dedicated Torres Strait women have taken their vision for strong leadership and higher levels of female representation in local governance to Canberra this week. Catharine Enosa and Iris Billy from Warraber, Ella Kris from Thursday Island and Lizzie Lui from Iama met with Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch and Indigenous Affairs Minister Nigel Scullion at…

ICA cops criticism in Parliament

LEICHHARDT MP Warren Entsch has hit out at the Insurance Council of Australia for its criticism of new initiatives and “reluctance to engage” during a speech to Parliament yesterday. The move was prompted by the ICA’s response to a media release issued by the Acting Assistant Treasurer, Sen. Mathias Cormann, which outlined the Government’s current…

All eyes on the Bruce Highway

MOTORISTS will be able to check for traffic congestion before they head south from Cairns, with three new webcams available on the Bruce Highway on the outskirts of the city. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Warren Truss said there were now six traffic webcams available online for Cairns motorists. “These…