Entsch on the ground in Douglas

LEICHHARDT MP Warren Entsch visited Douglas Shire earlier this week where he volunteered with Meals on Wheels, spoke to local students and met with constituents on a range of issues. Mr Entsch first headed to Mossman Meals on Wheels, where he helped wash dishes and prepare meals for local residents who benefit from this invaluable…

Speaking up for local journos

LEICHHARDT MP Warren Entsch says he’ll await further information about changes to ABC regional programming but hopes that the decision will not result in major cuts to local content in the Far North. “I was very disappointed when I heard that the ABC was cutting the Morning show and re-jigging local news bulletins because local…

ChAFTA opens doors for the Far North

LEICHHARDT MP Warren Entsch has endorsed the benefits of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement with the landmark legislation passing the House of Representatives today. “I’m pleased that Labor has seen the light and acknowledged the opportunities that this agreement will bring,” Mr Entsch said. “Once it’s in force, 86 per cent of Australia’s goods exports…

Medicinal Cannabis authority a promising step

LEICHHARDT MP and medicinal cannabis advocate Warren Entsch has welcomed the Government’s plan to allow the growing of cannabis within Australia for medical and scientific use. However he has warned that unless roadblocks with the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s approvals process can be overcome, there is little chance of patients being able to access medicinal cannabis…