Bright future for young indigenous leaders

YEAR 12 students from all around Leichhardt converged on Canberra today to celebrate their graduation through the Indigenous Youth Leadership Program. Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch said a total of 16 students from the electorate graduated the programme, from communities as diverse as Badu, Bamaga, Coen, Cairns, Mossman and Pormpuraaw. Fourteen students were able…

FNQ aviation industry urged to speak up

THE Australian Government’s Aviation Safety Regulation Review will give local aviation businesses the opportunity to expose CASA’s regulatory and procedural failures, says Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch. The Hon Warren Truss MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development, has recently released the review’s Terms of Reference. “I welcome the minister’s Review,” Mr…

Entsch speaks out for Australian graziers

THE Coalition Government’s commitment to supporting the live export industry has been reaffirmed in Parliament this week. Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch took an opportunity in Question Time yesterday to highlight to the Minister for Agriculture, Barnaby Joyce, the plight of livestock cattle exporters in his electorate who were “severely compromised” by Labor’s sudden…