LEICHHARDT MP Warren Entsch has welcomed news that the Australian Government has increased its support for a program run by Cairns-based Reef and Rainforest Research Centre (RRRC), which is changing lives in the poverty-stricken Western Province region of Papua New Guinea. The Building Resilience in Treaty Villages (BRTV) pilot project is an innovative community development…

Leichhardt delivers on community safety

CAIRNS and Aurukun will benefit from new community safety initiatives thanks to the Coalition Government providing financial support for two key Queensland Police-Citizens Youth Welfare (PCYC) programs. Minister for Justice Michael Keenan and Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch MP have announced that Queensland PCYC will receive $2,702,566 under Safer Streets Round Two. The funding…

Inquiry Announcement – boosting Tourism in Northern Australia

Parliament’s Northern Australia Committee has commenced an Inquiry into Opportunities and Methods for Stimulating the Tourism Industry in Northern Australia. The Government’s White Paper on developing Northern Australia, released in June 2015 recognised tourism as an industry with ‘bright prospects in the North’ and that Northern Australia could ‘capitalise on its iconic locations, open spaces…

$4 million boost for Australia’s growing citizen science movement

FROM classifying galaxies to counting koalas across the country, recording rainfall or sleeping habits, citizen science projects give Australians the chance to contribute to scientific research. The Turnbull Government will provide $4 million in Citizen Science Grants, over four years, to support more opportunities for the public to collaborate with researchers on high-quality, nationally important…

Funding to improve natural disaster resilience in the Western Cape

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has welcomed today’s Commonwealth-State joint-funding announcement of almost $790,000 towards projects that will help Western Cape communities build resilience to natural disasters. Projects are jointly supported with Commonwealth and Queensland State Government funding as part of the $52.2 million national partnership agreement on natural disaster resilience. Mr Entsch said…

No more VET rorts for FNQ students

THE Turnbull Government’s legislation to rebuild vocational education and training has passed the Parliament, delivering a system that Far Northern students and taxpayers can trust and ending the rip-offs and rorts that plagued Labor’s failed VET FEE-HELP scheme. Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch said the Turnbull Government’s new VET Student Loans program will replace Labor’s…