Government delivers for local roads

THE Australian Government has delivered on its $2.1 billion Roads to Recovery programme, a key funding stream that benefits road users all around Leichhardt, says Federal MP Warren Entsch. “The Land Transport Infrastructure Amendment Bill 2014 passed the Senate last week and as a result, councils across Leichhardt will get their first payments this month…

Mental Health support partnership launched

A CLUB to support local people impacted by long-term mental illness is being launched today in Cairns, based on the experience and success of similar groups in 34 countries. The Mental Illness Fellowship of North Queensland (MIFNQ) together with a Cairns-based committee chaired by Supreme Court Judge Justice Jim Henry, is establishing a Clubhouse based…

NBN rollout continues in Cairns

MORE than 5000 households and businesses in Cairns are a step closer to getting access to the National Broadband Network. Build preparation work is now underway in the suburbs of Manoora, Whitfield and Edge Hill, which will enable the NBN to pass around 2800 premises. Work will be visible in streets as pre-construction activity begins,…

Cairns seniors fit the digital profile

A NEW online account feature that allows Centrelink customers to update their income and asset details online means even more convenience for Cairns seniors. Minister for Human Services Senator the Hon Marise Payne and Federal Member for Leichhardt the Hon Warren Entsch today visited the Cairns one-stop shop to meet with staff and observe digital service…

Time to retune as digital TV rollout completes

LOCALS are urged to familiarise themselves with retuning their TVs as the final step in Australia’s move to digital television takes place in Leichhardt from the middle of August. “The relocation of digital television services across Australia is well underway and involves moving some or all digital television services at over 400 transmission sites nationally…