90 Second Statement – Cairns Hockey Aspire to be Deadly program

Today I want to congratulate Cairns Hockey Association's Aspire to be Deadly program, which has been selected as a finalist in the 2017 Queensland Reconciliation Awards. It is a wonderful recognition of the positive outcomes this program is achieving for Indigenous young women and girls through sport, mentoring and education. Aspire to be Deadly has…

Appropriations Bills 2017-18

I certainly welcome the opportunity to speak on the Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2017-2018 and the associated bills. In my view, it has been a very responsible budget and it builds on initiatives that the coalition government has built in the past and which it has certainly been very good at. Just from the perspective…

90 Second Statement – Rotary Centenary

On Saturday night I attended a fantastic event hosted by the Rotary Club of Mossman to celebrate the centenary of the Rotary Foundation. At the event, held on the beautiful High Falls Farm, which is about 14 kilometres out of Mossman, six local people were awarded for their outstanding contributions to the Douglas community as…

3 Minute Constituency Statement – Sea Swift 30th Anniversary

This Friday night I am really looking forward to attending the celebrations of Sea Swift's 30th anniversary. Sea Swift transports the bulk of the freight goods from Cairns to Cape York and the furthest reaches of the Torres Strait Islands, and recently expanded into the Northern Territory. It offers mothershipping, project and charter services and…

Private Member’s Motion – Tuberculosis

I move: That this House: (1) notes that: (a) 24 March is World Tuberculosis Day, and marks the anniversary of German Nobel Laureate Dr Robert Koch's 1882 discovery of the bacterium that causes tuberculosis; (b) tuberculosis is contagious and airborne, ranking as the world's leading cause of death from a single infectious agent; (c) in…

Delegation Report – Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum

I present the report of the Australian Parliamentary Delegation to the 25th annual meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum held in Natadola, Fiji, from 15 to 19 January 2017. I was accompanied on the delegation by the member for Paterson, who is across the chamber here, and senators Moore and Williams. The APPF is an…

Adjournment – All Saints Church, Erub

I rise here today as the member for Leichhardt and the member for the wet tropics in the real tropical capital of Tropical North Queensland-Cairns, of course. I am here to talk about somewhere even further north. The island of Erub is one of the easternmost islands in the Torres Strait and has a population…

90 Second Statement – Mossman Botanic Garden

My wife, Yolonde, and I are both very proud to be new members of the Mossman Botanic Garden, a unique project in the world of botany and conservation. Mossman Botanic Garden began an incredible journey seven years ago with an idea of a botanical garden run as a not-for-profit organisation situated in a world-class tourism…