Adjournment – Insurance Crisis in North Queensland

I rise this evening to raise serious concerns about the continued failure of the insurance industry in Far North Queensland. Some two months ago the Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs tabled its second In the wake of disasters report after a comprehensive inquiry into the affordability of strata title insurance in Northern…

Private Members Business – World Tuberculosis Day

I would like to associate myself with this debate about tuberculosis. There is no doubt about it; it is a very serious infectious disease, which, despite the availability of effective treatment, remains a major global health problem. Although it is preventable, TB remains a problem through much of the world, mostly in developing countries. In…

Private Members Business – World Tuberculosis Day

I would like to associate myself with this debate about tuberculosis. There is no doubt about it; it is a very serious infectious disease, which, despite the availability of effective treatment, remains a major global health problem. Although it is preventable, TB remains a problem through much of the world, mostly in developing countries. In…

Adjournment – 70th anniversary of Horn Island bombing

I rise today to speak on a significant anniversary that has been largely overlooked this week. Yesterday marked 70 years since the Japanese bombed Horn Island, in the Torres Strait, during their attempted invasion in World War II. I wish to speak on the vital role of the Torres Strait in the defence of the…

Insurance Contracts Amendment Bill 2011

I rise today to also speak on this bill, the Insurance Contracts Amendment Bill 2011, and to indicate my support for the measures contained within this bill. The bill changes the insurance law to introduce a standard definition of flood contracts. This is something that is long overdue in this area and over many years…

Fairer Private Health Insurance Incentives Bill 2011

I rise to speak on the Fairer Private Health Insurance Incentives Bill 2011. The ‘fairer’ component of the title should be well and truly removed. I raise serious concerns about the grave impact these changes will have on our public health system, in my electorate and around Australia. The public health system is already significantly…

Adjournment – Cairns Business and Sporting Group

It is no secret that, over the past four or five years, under both state and federal Labor governments and a Labor dominated local government in Cairns, Cairns and the region have been struggling. Labor continually argues that it is all about the global financial crisis, but unfortunately it is a lot more to do…

Grievance Debate: Insurance in Far North Queensland

Mr ENTSCH (Leichhardt-Chief Opposition Whip) (21:37): I rise this evening to express a very serious grievance I have relating to the activities of the insurance industry and what they are doing in my electorate. I have some serious concerns that there are companies there that are engaged in a serious gouging effort in ramping up…