BSE Cairns Slipways

MR ENTSCH: Recently I attended a launch of the world’s largest ship hoist, located in my home city of Cairns. To say that a seven-storey piece of machinery is impressive is an absolute understatement. The gala launch event was impressive as well, complete with a spectacular light show and fireworks display choreographed to music of…

Cairns Amateurs

MR ENTSCH:This weekend Cannon Park Racecourse will host what is arguably our city’s biggest social event of the year, the Cairns Amateurs Carnival. Through the vision of its founder, Sir Sydney Williams, what began in 1959 as a small amateur meeting designed to bring city and country together has expanded over the years to become…

Ocean Pollution

MR ENTSCH: Plastic waste littering our oceans is a national shame; there’s no doubt about that. And although they work hand in hand, my role as a special envoy for the Great Barrier Reef and my plan to develop a national policy on plastics are two separate issues. Let me briefly touch on the Great…

World Ranger Day

MR ENTSCH: It gives me great pleasure today to rise and speak about World Ranger Day. World Ranger Day was held on Wednesday, 31 July and is an initiative of the Thin Green Line Foundation. The Thin Green Line Foundation supports park rangers within Australia and overseas, including in conflict zones. World Ranger Day is…

Tropical North Queensland Tourism

Mr ENTSCH: I rise this afternoon to talk about an industry that forms part of the lifeblood of my electorate. Tourism is certainly a big deal in my neck of the woods. We have the best natural offerings in the nation, such as the Great Barrier Reef, the Daintree Rainforest and our wet tropics. There’s…

Sarz Sanctuary

Mr ENTSCH: It gives me great pleasure to rise this afternoon to speak about an amazing charity that was borne out of the most unspeakable horror. Sarz Sanctuary was set up in memory of 21-year-old Queenslander Sara Zelenak, who was murdered in the 2017 London Bridge and Borough Street Market terror attack. Sarz Sanctuary aims…

Molly Steer

Mr ENTSCH: I rise this afternoon to highlight the magnificent achievements of a youngster in my community who’s making waves around the nation and overseas. Eleven-year-old Molly Steer, who is the founder of the highly successful Straw No More campaign, has been selected to attend the Ocean Heroes Bootcamp in Vancouver in Canada. In fact,…

Neville Jamil Newman

Mr ENTSCH: I rise tonight to pay my respects to a dear friend who sadly passed away recently. Neville Newman was born on 18 May 1945 at the Royal Brisbane Hospital. Prior to Neville’s birth, his parents were part of the compulsory evacuation south to Cairns, Townsville and Brisbane during World War II on the…

Far North Day Hospital

MR ENTSCH: Recently I had the pleasure of opening the first multi-speciality day hospital to be opened in Cairns in more than 20 years. The $5 million Far North Day Hospital includes two day-hospital operating theatres, and a third is planned for later this year. It offers urology; gynaecology; and dental, plastic and cosmetic surgical services,…

World Tuberculosis Day

MR ENTSCH: It is a tragic fact that, although tuberculosis is a preventable and curable disease, 10 million people on this planet develop it every year, of whom about 1.6 million die. TB is a disease that most people thought was a thing of the past and is isolated to small pockets in some more…