Private Members Motion – Great Barrier Reef

I move: That this House: (1) acknowledges that Marine National Park (Green) Zones as defined in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Zoning Plan 2003 serve to better protect the biodiversity within the Marine Park and help to ensure: (a)   the continued existence of the unique marine animals, plants and habitats that are found only in…

New AFP Operations Centre opens in Cairns

TODAY marks an important day for national security with the opening of the Australian Federal Police (AFP) Operations Centre and Canine Operations Centre in Cairns. This new facility provides the AFP with a world-class capability to protect the travelling public. The Operations Centre was officially opened by the Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch, on…

Adjournment – Opening of the Parish Hall

This Saturday I am taking part in a very special event: the grand opening of the refurbished Anglican Parish Hall on Thursday Island. It has been a long process but one that I am very proud to have had some involvement in. The Parish Hall, in the historic Quetta Memorial Precinct, has been a local…

Spring Repeal Day 2014

The Coalition Government is an efficient government, and our actions since the 2013 election are speaking volumes louder than Labor’s legacy of empty media sound-grabs. We don’t just talk about more jobs, a more competitive and productive business sector, and lower household costs…the Coalition actually makes it happen. Today is another landmark occasion in the…

Grievance Debate – Insurance in North Queensland

I rise to again speak on an issue which has been having far-reaching implications in my electorate and in northern Australia more broadly. A recent Cyclone Preparedness Index by RACQ showed that 8.4 per cent of residents had no home building or contents insurance at all. A further 11.7 per cent had insufficient cover to…

3-minute constituency statement – The New Norm

I rise today to highlight a very important campaign called The New Norm.This awareness campaign is designed to educate people on the lack of support for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex – LGBTI – students in high schools. It is disturbing to hear that 82% of LGBTI students feel as though they are not supported…

Statement on National Security

I rise here today to express my very strong support for what Australia is doing to help combat the desperate circumstances that we are seeing with ISIL in Iraq and in Syria. This is certainly a humanitarian endeavour. It is certainly not an act of war. When we see scenes of genocide, families fleeing violence,…

3 Minute Constituency Statement – Centenary of Red Cross

This year we celebrate the 100th anniversary of Red Cross serving our Australian community. The Red Cross have earned an impeccable reputation in carrying out humanitarian work in times of conflict and disaster and for their world-leading blood donor service. Just as important is their everyday work in communities helping the most vulnerable people who…