Health Insurance (Dental services) Amendment Determination 2012

Mr ENTSCH (Leichhardt-Chief Opposition Whip) (13:18): I welcome this opportunity to speak today on this motion for disallowance on the Health Insurance (Dental Services) Amendment Determination 2012 (No. 1). While I am sure I am not alone in dreading a trip to the dentist, I am fully aware of the importance of good oral health.…

Federation Chamber – 3 Minute Constituency Statement

Mr ENTSCH (Leichhardt-Chief Opposition Whip) (16:06): I rise today to welcome to Far North Queensland an event which is a fantastic opportunity for our tourism industry: the 20th Global Eco Asia-Pacific Tourism Conference. Taking place in Cairns from 15 to 17 October this year, the conference will see industry leaders from around the world offer…

Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Bill

Mr ENTSCH (Leichhardt-Chief Opposition Whip) (12:34): I certainly welcome the opportunity to speak today on this package of bills relating to the establishment of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission, the ACNC. Frankly, there are a number of elements within these bills that concern not just me but the organisations and people within my electorate,…

Marriage Amendment Bill 2012

Mr ENTSCH (Leichhardt-Chief Opposition Whip) (11:27):  In speaking to this private member’s bill, the Marriage Amendment Bill 2012, I certainly would like to reconfirm my commitment to removing financial and legal discrimination against same-sex couples. I have been a very, very strong and a very public advocate on this issue since-from memory-about 2002, at a…

Speech – Customs Amendment (Smuggled Tobacco) Bill 2012

Mr ENTSCH (Leichhardt-Chief Opposition Whip) (11:10): As the member for Leichhardt, I have taken a very keen interest in measures to control illegal tobacco. I actually grew up in Mareeba, which was one of the largest tobacco-producing regions in Australia. In fact, one of my first jobs was working on tobacco farms, suckering tobacco, at…

Adjournment – Time to push Cairns as a sporting destination

Mr ENTSCH (Leichhardt-Chief Opposition Whip) (19:39):  It has been an exciting fortnight with the Olympics underway in London. I am sure I am not the only person here who has had a few late nights over that time, caught up in the drama of seeing Australians on the world stage. Now of course it is…

Adjournment Speech – Carbon Pricing

On the eve of the introduction of the world’s greatest carbon tax, I want to raise some very serious concerns about the impacts on my community. The carbon tax is being loudly touted as the solution to global pollution, but in reality it will simply penalise families, penalise businesses, penalise tourism-which is the lifeblood of…