Speech – Customs Amendment (Smuggled Tobacco) Bill 2012

Mr ENTSCH (Leichhardt-Chief Opposition Whip) (11:10): As the member for Leichhardt, I have taken a very keen interest in measures to control illegal tobacco. I actually grew up in Mareeba, which was one of the largest tobacco-producing regions in Australia. In fact, one of my first jobs was working on tobacco farms, suckering tobacco, at…

Adjournment – Time to push Cairns as a sporting destination

Mr ENTSCH (Leichhardt-Chief Opposition Whip) (19:39):  It has been an exciting fortnight with the Olympics underway in London. I am sure I am not the only person here who has had a few late nights over that time, caught up in the drama of seeing Australians on the world stage. Now of course it is…

Private Members’ Motion – Live Cattle Export Ban

In rising to speak on this motion it certainly does not give me any great pleasure at all in having to raise this issue again. If you go back to last year when decisions were made by the minister with regard to live cattle export, the process that was used by the minister and the…

Adjournment Speech – Carbon Pricing

On the eve of the introduction of the world’s greatest carbon tax, I want to raise some very serious concerns about the impacts on my community. The carbon tax is being loudly touted as the solution to global pollution, but in reality it will simply penalise families, penalise businesses, penalise tourism-which is the lifeblood of…

Matter of Public Importance – Marine Conservation

In rising to speak on this MPI, I started to choke on some of the uninformed drivel that was coming from the other side. I was particularly concerned by a couple of speakers who made light of the fact that they are going to have to travel some distance to reach Commonwealth waters. What they do…

Passenger Movement Charge Amendment Bill – Speech

In rising to speak on the Passenger Movement Charge Amendment Bill 2012 I have to say it has been quite an eventful couple of days that we have seen in this place. I am pleased to see that the government has finally come around to some semblance of sense in that, thanks to the pressure…

Private Members Motion – Torres Strait Sea Walls

It dismays me immensely that I have for the second time to move a motion of this nature in relation to the Torres Strait seawalls. Last year in March I had a motion prepared and I was ready to have it submitted to this place for debate. I was asked directly by the Minister Crean’s…

Opening of the annual Rotary District 9550 Conference

Firstly I’d like to thank Brett Charles for his introduction today, and what a great job on the Flag Ceremony by the YEP Students.  I’d also like to thank District Governor Graham Koch for inviting me to officially open the conference today. Can I extend a very warm welcome to you all to Cairns and the electorate of Leichhardt,…

Budget Appropriations Bills – Speech

What an outstanding contribution from the member for Sturt. I watched with interest the announcement of the 2012-13 budget, and it was sorely disappointing. For my electorate of Leichhardt, this budget is yet another blow to growth, another blow to tourism, another blow to economic enterprise and another blow to small business owners. For too…