Waal-Waal Ngallametta

MR ENTSCH: Waal-Waal Ngallametta transcended incredibly in her lifetime. She exhibited in her own way the immense contemporary values and contributions that Aboriginal people bring to our world. It is with the deepest sadness that Waal-Waal passed away on 28 January 2019 in her Aurukun home, on country and surrounded by her family, as she had…

Fishing Industry

ME ENTSCH: Last week over 4,000 coral trout fingerlings made their way to Taiwan from Cairns in my electorate of Leichhardt in a trial shipment, a pilot shipment—a first in our region. It is fantastic to see firsthand how Company One Pty Ltd has diversified and set up a world-class facility to accommodate a billion-dollar industry.…

Cairns Shipping Development Project

Mr ENTSCH:  I rise to speak about a game-changing project in my electorate that was announced last week. The Cairns Shipping Development Project represents a key economic driver not only for Cairns and Far North Queensland but for all of northern Australia. The project will support 195 full-time jobs during construction and create a further…

Mossman Mill

Mr ENTSCH: I rise tonight to highlight a transformational project within my electorate. The Mossman Mill has been a feature in the local landscape for more than a century. In 1897, Annie Rose fed the first sugarcane into the mill, with the mill producing its first sugar after crushing 27,905 tonnes of cane for its…

Wujal Wujal – 51st Battalion

Mr ENTSCH: I rise this evening to highlight an initiative that is achieving amazing results in Wujal Wujal, a small Indigenous community in my electorate. The 51st Battalion, Far North Queensland Regiment, plays an important role in the security of northern Australia by conducting surveillance patrols in sparsely populated and remote regions of Far North…

Cairns Men’s Shed

Mr ENTSCH:  It gives me great pleasure to rise this afternoon to talk about the Cairns Men’s Shed and the fantastic work they’re doing in my community. The Cairns Men’s Shed has come along in leaps and bounds over the past few years and is widely regarded as one of the best sheds around. During…

Cairns MRI Licence

Mr ENTSCH: I rise to congratulate the Prime Minister and the health minister on their recent announcement of a competitive public application process for 20 new Medicare-eligible MRI licences at locations of need around our nation. Our government is absolutely committed to ensuring quality health services all around the country, including in my electorate of…

Australian Irish Dancing Championships

MR ENTSCH: It gives me great pleasure to rise this evening to speak about the Australian Irish Dancing Championships, which was held in Cairns recently. It’s the first time the championship has been held in our city, with some 5,000 visitors at our world-class Cairns Convention Centre. To say it was a success would be…

National Highway Extension

MR ENTSCH: Mr Speaker, I rose in this chamber on two occasions last week to call out the Queensland Government of its blatant neglect of Far North Queensland. They are starving Far North Queensland of much-needed investment for one reason and one reason only – to help their federal colleagues. They are not only starving…

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

MR ENTSCH: Last week the Parliamentary Friends of Prostate Cancer Awareness held its annual luncheon here at Parliament House. It was fantastic to see so many people attend and the bipartisan support for this important cause. Prostate cancer doesn’t discriminate. It is the most common cancer amongst Australian men, with 20,000 cases diagnosed each year. More…