Romina Fujii

MR ENTSCH: I rise today to pay tribute to a much-loved and extremely well-respected person in my community who recently passed. Romina Fujii was born on Badu Island in the Torres Strait on 12 December 1943 and was the third child of Talipasa and Dulcie Nona. From a very young age Romina learnt about the…

Tuberculosis Motion

MR ENTSCH: I move: (1) notes that: (a) 24 March is World Tuberculosis (TB) Day, a day to commemorate the precious lives lost due to TB, a disease that is preventable and curable; (b) TB is contagious and airborne—it is the world’s leading infectious disease killer and kills more people than HIV/AIDS; (c) in 2017…

BSE Cairns Slipways

MR ENTSCH: Recently I attended a launch of the world’s largest ship hoist, located in my home city of Cairns. To say that a seven-storey piece of machinery is impressive is an absolute understatement. The gala launch event was impressive as well, complete with a spectacular light show and fireworks display choreographed to music of…