Local organisations in Far North Queensland can now apply for funding to help protect, conserve and raise awareness of our national heritage.
For the first time, the funding round includes indigenous and natural heritage places as well as those with historic heritage values.
Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said Cape York and the Torres Strait was home to countless sites of historical importance and national significance.
He said a total of $21.4 million will be available under the Australian Heritage Grants program over four years and from 2022-23 onwards this funding will increase to $5.7 million annually.
“The National Heritage List protects more than 100 of Australia’s outstanding natural, historic and indigenous heritage places, including ancient rock art sites, outstanding colonial buildings, beaches, and parks,” Mr Entsch said.
“I would urge all communities across Cape York, including Weipa, Coen and Cooktown and communities throughout the Torres Strait, including the NPA, to have a think about places or sites in their respective backyards that could qualify for an Australian Heritage Grant.
“There are literally hundreds of places or sites across our region that could qualify.”
Grants will be available to successful projects ranging from a minimum $25,000 to a maximum of $400,000 per project.
To be eligible local projects must:
- maintain, protect and conserve the National Heritage values of one or more listed places
- improve access to one or more listed places or
- improve engagement with, and awareness of, the National Heritage values of one or more listed places.
Applications are now open and will close on 19 December 2018.
For more information on the program, including eligible grant activities, or to apply, go to www.business.gov.au or www.grants.gov.au or call 13 28 46.