90 Second Statement – 51st Battalion

In this Centenary of Anzac one battalion that deserves recognition is the 51st Battalion, Far North Queensland Regiment, which celebrated 100 years of service at the weekend with a parade down the Cairns Esplanade. The battalion was formed in Egypt in 1914, but their role has changed profoundly since then. It was in the early…

Investment to boost Leichhardt’s defence capability

WARREN Entsch MP, Federal Member for Leichhardt, today welcomed the release of the 2016 Defence White Paper, which sets out the Coalition Government’s comprehensive and responsible long-term plan to ensure Australia’s national security. It is the culmination of detailed analysis of our strategic environment, Defence’s priorities and objectives, and the capabilities required to achieve these…

Narcotic Drugs Amendment Bill 2016

I also rise to speak on the Narcotic Drugs Amendment Bill 2016. From my perspective, it is a very significant day when medical cannabis is acknowledged as being a product that makes a real difference to people suffering from chronic conditions or terminal disease. It will mean that patients and their family members will no…