Stronger Communities Programme funding is now open to local community groups who are being urged to submit a funding application to help them undertake small infrastructure projects or purchase much-needed equipment.
The Morrison Government has committed $150,000 to fund local community infrastructure projects across the Leichhardt electorate under the highly-successful programme.
Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said Stronger Communities Programme was aimed at funding projects that deliver social benefits to Far North Queensland communities.
He said grants of between $2,500 and $20,000 can now be applied for under the latest round.
“The additional funding for a fifth round of SCP will ensure local knowledge and decision-making continues to play a decisive role in funding community-building projects,” Mr Entsch said.
“The program will fund small capital projects which can range from upgrading the local community hall or sporting facility, building new bike paths, or providing essential equipment for the local State Emergency Service.
“Our region has been very successful under previous rounds of the Stronger Communities Programme.
“Organisations such as the Laura District Rodeo and Campdraft Association, Kuranda Men’s Shed, Cape York Folk Club and Cairns Hockey have received funding for projects in previous rounds.
“These are a few of organisations that have deleivered more than 30 local projects under the program.
“Our local communities are the heart of this great country and this investment in local projects under the SCP is about invigorating these communities and ensuring their continued success.”
Application Process:
It is CRITICAL to note that there is a two-step process for applicants.
Firstly, an Expression of Interest (EOI) form must be completed and returned to Mr Entsch’s office before Friday, 6 September 2019.
To request a copy of the EOI form and factsheet, applicants should contact Mr Entsch’s office on 07 4051 2220 or email
Secondly, Mr Entsch has partnered with Connected Communities FNQ which has been supporting local organisations through small grants and sustainable revenue streams for many years.
The Connected Communities FNQ Committee will independently assess the Expressions of Interest against the program’s criteria and prioritise projects.
The shortlisted projects, up to 20, totalling up to $150,000, will then be invited by Mr Entsch to complete a formal online application.