Helping older Far North Queenslanders improve their digital skills, confidence and online safety

Older residents in Cairns and Far North Queensland will be encouraged to bridge the digital divide through a new government investment to help senior Australians remain connected with friends and family online and learn new skills. Families and Social Services Minister Anne Ruston said the Morrison Government would provide $28.3 million to extend the Be Connected…

Media Statement: 2022 Federal Election

In 2019, on election night, I announced that I would not recontest the next federal election, as I felt the time was right to pursue other interests outside politics. However, that decision was made well before the global COVID-19 pandemic was even thought of, or before it reached our shores. Our region was one of…

TGA approves AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine

The Therapeutic Goods Administration has approved the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine for use in Australia following a full and thorough assessment process. Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said this welcomed news means Australia will now have two safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines available. “The approval of the AstraZeneca vaccine for the people of Cairns, Cape York…

Disaster assistance now available for flood-impacted communities in Cape York and the Torres Strait

Disaster assistance is now available for nine local government areas in Cape York and the Torres Strait impacted by flooding brought on by a Tropical Low in late January. Aurukun, Cook, Lockhart River, Mapoon, Napranum, Northern Peninsula Area and Pormpuraaw Councils along with Torres Shire and Torres Strait Island Regional Council are eligible for financial…